2008-05-15 02:04:44

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b][color=#ff0a00]S[/color][color=#ff1400]a[/color] [color=#ff2800]m[/color][color=#ff3200]g[/color][color=#ff3c00]a[/color] [color=#ff5000]b[/color][color=#ff5a00]o[/color][color=#ff6400]y[/color][co

[quote=shizzle_819]hirs a question for the boys. `why do (some/most?) boys feel like they'll be popular or astig if they break the rules?, like cut classes or answer the prof. back disrespectfully. in our skul a lot of boys from the higher years are like that. :/[/quote] because we like to feel like we are bad boys...and some girls are actually attracted to those type of boys. i tried that once and it worked a lil bit...

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