to the thread starter....please paste this one
so that the viewers of this thread will understand....
[url=]JS to CSS[/url]
the above link is the best method to load all your js....
so that nobody will post that it's not working...
understand the procedure of that method...
follow each steps....
this method is proven that it is working....want proof?
the boxes that you will see in the profile are addboxes script by switpotato...
and here's the link...
[url=]Swit's Addbox Script[/url]
or you may use ephemeral's
[url=]Ephe's Addbox Script[/url]
the JS linker that you are using now usually hang/hung in ie...but in ff it's working properly...
if ever that you are a certified ie user....then go here [url=]JS to CSS[/url]
to prevent hang in ie browser...and it works....