2008-05-20 06:17:20

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

[b]thithi[/b] coba liat yg bagian ini di comment scanermu.. http://h1.ripway.com/tititi/enter_page/ass.html kok g bisa dibuka.. dah expired kyaknya.. coba masukan scrip ini.. [quote]<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: #000000; cursor: ; } </style> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var r=confirm("You have to go?" + '\n' + " ok then. I just want to remind you..." + '\n' + "You forgot the comment." + '\n' + " " + '\n' + "Would you like to leave a comment now?"); if (r==true) { window.location="http://www.friendster.com/comments.php?uid=[b]ID fs[/b]"; } else { window.close() } </script> </body> </html>[/quote] save sebagai terserah.html dan url htmlnya masukan di coment scaner kmu..

Last edited by pedro023 (2008-05-20 06:20:09)

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