once i had an argument with my mom...
coz she doesn't want me to got to a jamboree (yes i am a scout)
but all of my friends are going to that said jamboree
i really want to go to that jamboree
my mom was soo angry,, she even throw my cellphone ...
and boom!! my phone was crushed... huhu..

i was really depressed at that time..
i never eat.. im always on my room... sleeping
lucky me,, i had a brother.. he gave me money..

and soo i joined the jamboree... and my mom doesnt even know that i was on davao..
all that she knows is that i am on my brothers place...
but after the jamboree.. i told my mom everything..
he was soo angry at me... and to my brother too!
but theres nothing she can do .. coz the jamboree was already finished..