@Kris: It is a mobile version of Friendster.
[quote]Why does the mobile version of Friendster look different than the website?
The mobile version has been designed to be used by a wide variety of mobile devices that frequently have small screens and Internet browsers which do not have the same capabilities as a desktop browser. The features most often used by mobile phone users have been included in the mobile version of Friendster.
My mobile device has a large screen and internet browser. Can I use the full website version?
Yes. To use the full version of Friendster, just enter
http://www.friendster.com in your mobile device’s internet browser.
I would like to sign up to receive text message notifications on my mobile device when I receive new messages, friend requests, comments, and bulletins. How do I sign up?
Go to
www.friendster.com/fmobile/ for information about Friendster Mobile text messages.[/quote]