[b]PS not double posting since the time gap between this post and my post above is pretty long anyway
our profiles has been updated ^^[/b]
*UPDATED May 23, 2008
[b]Guy.Chic Mode[/b]
- One Sided Profile ,
- its CHIC ! hahaha
- Dark Red ish Classy Feel to it
- its gloomy
- Now Playing : Departed , OST samurai x
- [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/freelance69[/url] -
*UPDATED May 23, 2008
Sribbles [/b]
- used it in my friend cj ^__^
- kikay mode because its pinks
- really really pink
- scribbles mode
- [i]Now Playing :[/i] Paint Me In Your Sunshine - Marie Digby
- [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/cj1823[/url] -
*UPDATED May 23 , 2008
[b]Anime Freak Mode[/b]
- used it in my pals profile ( andrew ) ^^
- White Really simple profile , css

- all about clanad
- [i]Now Playing : [/i]clannad closing theme
- [url]http://profiles.friendster.com/andrew32[/url] -
[align=center][b]anyhow , dont forget to rate rate rate and comment ^___^[/b][/align]
THANKS wahehehe
Last edited by Freelance6969 (2008-05-23 11:52:55)