2008-05-26 04:43:13

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/762/60373894.jpg[/img][/align] Our new Signature: Made by Sis Yunish :D [img]http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k13/cloudydreams/ls.gif[/img] Thank

OK, what we need to do first is make a JS File with a CSS Injection. Refer to '[b]Making Extension Files[/b]' by [b]Sir Ephemeral[/b]: [url]http://theftalk.com/t22027-Making-Extensions-Files.-%5BFriendster-Editing%5D.html[/url] • Go to http://www.ripway.com • Register then login to your account. If you already have an account, just login. • After Logging In, go to '[b]My Files[/b]'. • After selecting '[b]My Files[/b]', look for '[b]Create Text Document[/b]' found on right area of page. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v674/EphimeralKaizer/2-2.jpg[/img] 1) After clicking '[b]Create Text Document[/b]' you will see '[b]Filename field[/b]' and '[b]Text field[/b]'. On Filename of course, name your file then add .js 2) After that, paste the code below in your file. [quote]var css = document.createElement("link"); function injectcss() { if(window.cssinjected == undefined) { cssinjected = 1; var css = document.createElement("link"); css.setAttribute("type","text/css"); css.setAttribute("rel","stylesheet"); css.setAttribute("href","[b]http://h1.ripway.com/ftalkcssjs/wakoko.css[/b]"); css.setAttribute("media","screen, print"); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(css); } }injectcss();[/quote] [i][b]NOTE[/b]: Can you see the part that I [b]bolded[/b]? That is the Direct Link of your CSS, in other words, your CSS Layout. Are you getting this?[/i] 3) Now, you can put the tweaks. You can browse with our very own Tricks and Tutorials Section. [b]Example[/b]: [img]http://i29.tinypic.com/1zxwg2a.jpg[/img] ^ [b]Click the Image to make it larger.[/b] The one boxed in [b]black[/b] is the CSS Injection containing the Direct Link of my CSS Layout. The ones boxed in [b]red[/b] are the tweaks I added. [i][b]NOTE[/b]: Take note that [b]I only pressed the ENTER button ONCE[/b]. If you pressed enter more than once or just put a space between them, it won't work.[/i] 3) After putting all the tweaks you want, you can now Save your Work by clicking 'Save Changes'. 4) Then, get the Direct Link and paste it in the Latest Linker that you can find below: [b]Example[/b]: [b]The Direct Link[/b]: http://h1.ripway.com/wakokokoko/Myfile.js [spoiler]<">There are 2 things here that are very important for you to notice: • Can you see the '[b]_[/b]' [underscore] before the '[b];[/b]' [semicolon]? Remove it. • Can you see the '[b]URL OF JS[/b]' part? Change it to the URL of your JS. [/spoiler] 5) All that's left for you to do is paste the code in your Media Box. =) But since it's for layouts, you don't have to. :D Hope this helped you Sis Mitch!

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