yeah sis. i've been to::
[b]Hongkong[/b] - when i was in the 2nd grade of my elementary years. and then i visited Hongkong again last year. 2007.
[b]London[/b] - when i was in the third grade. we went to london to visit my uncle
[b]Saudi Arabia[/b] - this the place where i grew up. but im a natural born Filipina.
[b]Bahrain[/b] - The Land of F1. race. race. race.
[b]Dubai[/b] - Stop Over by the airport. landed there. by my own feet lol. haha.
[b]Qatar[/b] - with my dad. we went to visit my old friends there.
[b]Singapore[/b] - with my grandma. just for a couple of days there. maybe 2weeks.
[b]Japan[/b] - with my auntie.
[b]Paris[/b] - i just so love the eiffel tower. i really love to go there.
[b]Philippines[/b] - my HomeTown. iloveit.!
Remember im just [b]12 years [i]young[/i][/b]. :]
I really want to visit Greece and italy. whaha.
Last edited by Chiny.12 (2008-05-28 07:10:38)