2008-05-29 01:50:39

ola maria
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

[quote=Angell de Ville]lolz... love u too.. i'm stupid coz u didn't understand what your post means? wenks... why don't u just sell yur brain? it will certainly cost so much... BRAND NEW AND NEVER BEEN USED[/quote] oh sure crazydavinci i won't use stupid linkers.its too difficult to navigate if you have many tweaks.ewwww for the love of god imean just visit lordhienz page is so [i can't discribe it because its so stupid; too sober enough to describe].lol it means i will buy a 1GB RAM to view lordhienz page lol.look at bobcars shoutout i read some of this words saying "if you can't see my page properly click on options, blah blah blah... delete your web browsing history..." wtf?all of you are so about your friendster page posting bulletin "UPDATED OVERLAY", UPDATED PROFILE or LAYOUT" why all re you so Conscious with your page shit! evry time i open that bulletin are stupid friendstertalk members who are posting that kind of idiotic subject. And it makes me wanna puke all of your comments are over flooding with some weird like this “wow nice layout how did you do ll of this?”, “wow. Gandah naman ate/kuya nang layout”, “nice layout”, your page looks good”. Ow are you proud of that? Comments are flooding with quick quotes?i rearly can see some comments that are having long paragraphs, sentences.

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