2008-05-30 06:54:22

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center] gw liat2 blom ada yg buka tret sharing music, baek ntu musik lokal maupun musik luar, jd aj gw buka tret ini. apalagi skr sites2 seperti multiply uda ga bisa dunlut lagee...... :wallba

[quote=aris43]bro khasmir, request music dugem yach apa ajah dech, byk jg gpp biar lebih seru utek2 fs nya![/quote] sorry bro kya apa contona, soalnya gw ga familiar ma musik ajeb2 :D sebutin aja judul ato band-nya :thumbsup: [quote=cheuw]pnya lagunya i believe i can fly ma you've got a friend?? tp yg d aransemen ulang.. jgn yg jadull bgt.. hahaa[/quote] sorry lg sist nulul....:D gw ga tau yg pijimana yg di aransemen ulang :wallbash: sist bisa search aja disini & dengerin lansung (streaming) sebelum dunlut | [url=http://mp3dl.co.cc/]MP3DL[/url] | [url=http://indowebster.com]IDWS[/url] | free dunlut ko :eh: [quote=emo_freak]bang gw request lagunya james blunt donk album yang naru ya thanx:lol:[/quote] :arrow: [b]James Blunt - All the Lost Souls[/b] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/14/Allthelostsouls.jpg[/img] 01. 1973 02. One of the Brightest Stars 03. I'll Take Everything 04. Same Mistake 05. Carry You Home 06. Give Me Some Love 07. I Really Want You 08. Shine On 09. Annie 10. I Can't Hear The Music [url=http://rapidshare.com/files/108249704/All_The_Lost_Souls__2007_.rar][img]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa229/yhwh6666/1_DL/ththb_download.gif[/img][/url]

Last edited by yhwh6666 (2008-05-30 07:45:11)

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