[quote=aris43]bro khasmir,
request music dugem yach
apa ajah dech, byk jg gpp
biar lebih seru utek2 fs nya![/quote]
sorry bro kya apa contona, soalnya gw ga familiar ma musik ajeb2

sebutin aja judul ato band-nya

[quote=cheuw]pnya lagunya i believe i can fly ma you've got a friend??
tp yg d aransemen ulang..
jgn yg jadull bgt..
sorry lg sist nulul....

gw ga tau yg pijimana yg di aransemen ulang

sist bisa search aja disini & dengerin lansung (streaming) sebelum dunlut
| [url=http://mp3dl.co.cc/]MP3DL[/url] | [url=http://indowebster.com]IDWS[/url] | free dunlut ko

[quote=emo_freak]bang gw request lagunya james blunt donk
album yang naru ya

[b]James Blunt - All the Lost Souls[/b]
01. 1973
02. One of the Brightest Stars
03. I'll Take Everything
04. Same Mistake
05. Carry You Home
06. Give Me Some Love
07. I Really Want You
08. Shine On
09. Annie
10. I Can't Hear The Music
Last edited by yhwh6666 (2008-05-30 07:45:11)