I had 2 Charcters
1 is Hack (Lvl 167 Brawler Dex)
The Other 1 is Weak Lvl 72 Brawler Dex
My 167 Has +8 Dynamic Set and the Gauntlets is Electric +8 also with good RV (+15)
I Forgot if its a Quilling Gauntlets?
My lvl 72 has a Dynamic Set and the Gauntlets is +4 Attack Gauntlets [ICE]
I Quit Playing Ran when my Lvl 167 is HACK (They Change the PASS!!

It has been 1 year (It is Hack April 2007)
The Server Is "Kalayaan"
I Had also Int type Swordsman lvl 100 with +5 Dynamic Set
And my Shaman is Lvl 97 with Electric Staff