2008-06-02 18:49:11

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://i39.tinypic.com/juahsn.png[/img][/align]

[align=center][color=salmon]Ohmy! I just saw Shine's entry.. it was awesome! She's so good and very creative.. *drools* Chubs also have a good entry there... Go artworkers! Now, if Regie decided not to withdraw, I would really have a hard time to choose between the three.. :D [b]@ chiny[/b] ..thanks for the gift sis, but I can't seem to open it though.. [b]@ dwea[/b] ..thanks for the gift sis! really love it! [b]@vampknight[/b] ..welcome to the group! enjoy it here! and keep posting here in our group.. [/color][/align]

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