Pages: 12

  2008-06-04 01:20:20

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[b]Credits:[/b] Dynamic Drive PREVIEW OF FLYING IMAGE HERE: [url][/url] PREVIEW ON MY PROFILE HERE: [url][/url] p

[b]Credits:[/b] Dynamic Drive PREVIEW OF FLYING IMAGE HERE: [url][/url] PREVIEW ON MY PROFILE HERE: [url][/url] put this code on your JS extension :arrow: [quote][b]Code:[/b] //Flying planes - by John Ely //Modified from: Autumn leaves script- by Kurt Grigg ( //Modified by Dynamic Drive for NS6 functionality //visit for this script //Pre-load your image below! //CHANGE 5 to the number of images listed below grphcs=new Array(5) //PRELOAD the involved images (extend or contract variables according to # of images used) Image0=new Image(); Image0.src=grphcs[0]="[b]Your Image URL[/b]" Image1=new Image(); Image1.src=grphcs[1]="[b]Your Image URL[/b]" Image2=new Image(); Image2.src=grphcs[2]="[b]Your Image URL[/b]" Image3=new Image(); Image3.src=grphcs[3]="[b]Your Image URL[/b]" Image4=new Image(); Image4.src=grphcs[4]="[b]Your Image URL[/b]" //SPECIFY number of images to randomly display concurrently from list above. Less the more efficient Amount=3; Ypos=new Array(); Xpos=new Array(); Speed=new Array(); Step=new Array(); Cstep=new Array(); ns=(document.layers)?1:0; ns6=(document.getElementById&&!document.all)?1:0; ie=document.all if (ns){ for (i = 0; i < Amount; i++){ var P=Math.floor(Math.random()*grphcs.length); rndPic=grphcs[P]; document.write("<LAYER NAME='sn"+i+"' LEFT=0 TOP=0><img src="+rndPic+"></LAYER>"); } } else{ document.write('<div style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px"><div style="position:relative">'); for (i = 0; i < Amount; i++){ var P=Math.floor(Math.random()*grphcs.length); rndPic=grphcs[P]; document.write('<img id="si'+i+'" src="'+rndPic+'" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px">'); } document.write('</div></div>'); } WinHeight=(ns||ns6)?window.innerHeight-70:window.document.body.clientHeight; WinWidth=(ns||ns6)?window.innerWidth:window.document.body.clientWidth; for (i=0; i < Amount; i++){ Ypos[i] = Math.round(Math.random()*WinHeight); Xpos[i] = Math.round(Math.random()*WinWidth); Speed[i]= Math.random()*5+1; Cstep[i]=0; Step[i]=Math.random()*0.1+0.05; } function fly(){ var WinHeight=(ns||ns6)?window.innerHeight:window.document.body.clientHeight; var WinWidth=(ns||ns6)?window.innerWidth-70:window.document.body.clientWidth; var hscrll=(ns||ns6)?window.pageYOffset:document.body.scrollTop; var wscrll=(ns||ns6)?window.pageXOffset:document.body.scrollLeft; for (i=0; i < Amount; i++){ sy = Speed[i]*Math.sin(Cstep[i]); sx = Speed[i]*2; Ypos[i]+=sy; Xpos[i]+=sx; if (Xpos[i] > WinWidth){ Ypos[i]=Math.round(Math.random()*WinHeight); Xpos[i]=-60; Speed[i]=Math.random()*5+1; } if (ns){ document.layers['sn'+i].left=Xpos[i]+wscrll; document.layers['sn'+i].top=Ypos[i]; } else if (ns6){ document.getElementById("si"+i).style.left=Xpos[i]+wscrll; document.getElementById("si"+i),Ypos[i]); } else{ eval(""+i).style.left=Xpos[i]+wscrll; eval(""+i)[i]; } Cstep[i]+=Step[i]; } setTimeout('fly()',20); } if (ie||ns||ns6) window.onload=fly //-->[/quote] Legend: [b]Bold[/b] - your image url

Last edited by uchihavision08 (2008-06-05 08:21:22)

Pages: 12

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