2008-06-07 17:27:00

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center] gw liat2 blom ada yg buka tret sharing music, baek ntu musik lokal maupun musik luar, jd aj gw buka tret ini. apalagi skr sites2 seperti multiply uda ga bisa dunlut lagee...... :wallba

[quote=dying]bang kashmir hemmm mau nanya nih? :) alesana udah ngeluarin album barunya belom soalnya saya udah daped sekitar 6 lagu alesana yang belom saya denger tolong yah bang jawaban nya :) trims` sebelumnya :)[/quote] udah......... sorry bro bru sempet jwb skr :thumbsup: [align=center] [b]Alesana - Where Myth Fades To Legend (2008)[/b] [img]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51RvzLkqnbL._SL500_AA240_.jpg[/img] [i]Original Release : June 3, 2008 [/i] [b]~| Tracklist |~[/b] 01. This Is The Part Where People Usually Scream 03:45 02. Goodbye, Goodnight for Good 03:15 03. Seduction 04:45 04. A most Profound Quiet 03:17 05. Red and Dying Evening 03:27 06. Better Luck Next Time, Prince Charming 03:20 07. The Uninvited Thirteenth 03:40 08. Sweetheart, You are Sadly Mistaken 05:22 09. And They Call This Tragedy 03:42 10. All Night Dance Parties in the Underground Palace 03:17 11. Endings without Stories 03:58 12. As You Wish 03:25 13. Obsession Is Such an Ugly Word 05:56 [img]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa229/yhwh6666/1_DL/21.gif[/img] Downlaod from | [url=http://rapidshare.com/files/117970987/Where_Myths_Fade_To_Legend.rar]rapidshare[/url] | [url=http://depositfiles.com/files/5620571]deposite[/url] | [/align]

Last edited by yhwh6666 (2008-06-07 17:27:46)

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