[quote=mystic rain]i used those codes but the for welcoming alert...
it doesn't work at all...
only the goodbye alert works....[/quote]
^Lol.. Are you sure?
I'm still using this codes and it properly works!
[quote=the_legend_killer]is it posible to have more than 1 goodbye alert[/quote]
^What do you mean??
More than alert??
[quote=tatern400]Where Do i Put The Code??????
I doNt UnderStanD It!!!!!!!!!!
PleAse HeLp Me............
^Avoid Sticky Caps..
Paste the codes in your CSS extension
[quote=kittiechix]uhm..i only applied the welcome codes..how can i add both welcome and gudbye codes..sorry..begginer..[/quote]
^Just add the goodbye codes..