[quote=pinkmao03]what do u mean by generate?!?[/quote]
Don't be lazy, Buddy..
What is the use of your dictionary if
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[quote]gen·er·ate [jénnə ràyt]
(past and past participle gen·er·at·ed, present participle gen·er·at·ing, 3rd person present singular gen·er·ates)
transitive verb
1. create something: to bring something into existence or effect
measures to generate more income
2. produce energy: to produce or originate a form of energy through a chemical or physical process
3. mathematics linguistics produce set: to produce a set or sequence by the application of defined rules or the performance of defined operations
4. mathematics produce form: to create a curve with a moving point or a surface with a moving curve
[Early 16th century. < Latin generat-, past participle of generare "beget" < genus "race, birth"]
-gen·er·a·ble, adjective
Microsoft® Encarta® 2007. © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.[/quote]
[i]Source[/i]: [b]Encarta Dictionary[/b]
I try this one..and it's nice!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your contribution!