credits :arrow: [b]Javascript and HTML Thumbnail Image Scroller[/b]
this script is just a simple Vertical Scroller in your friend box =)
[b]step 1[/b] save this parts =)
:arrow: [url=http://h1.ripw
[quote=simpleMe]<script type="text/javascript" src="thumbscroller.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="imagescroller.js"></script>[/quote]
[quote=simpleMe]<img src="up.gif" onmouseout="imageScroller_61305134.stopSmoothScroll();" onmouseover="imageScroller_61305134.smoothScrollDown();" alt="See next images" style="margin-top: 3px;" border="0" />[/quote]
If you use this without realizing the src of those js and images, it may not work properly. I mean if all the files are in the same folder or directory together with the .html, then it will work. If not, you'll be confuse.