Sent him a warning message, seems like he's regretting what he has done, so I guess I just let him go with his curse status for now, next time he post another hacking/spoofing code I'll definitely ban him.
From his PM to me:

[quote=diabolicious]My apologies for what I've done and I am sincerely asking for forgiveness
I removed those hacking script in my friendster account long time ago
and currently trying my best to help ftalk members.
Please forgive me I also received a -1 reputation but I dont know why
Im also asking why does popups always occur on friendstertalk
Its not that its very frustrating but it also crashes firefox and closes the browser
I want to surf on ftalk alot and popups are okay as long as it doesnt closes my browser

Last edited by admin (2007-07-09 00:28:45)