Pages: 12

  2008-06-16 17:40:34

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: [sup][b][url=]PREVIEW[/url][/b][/sup] just clicked this image [img][/img] on

[quote][b]@ [/b] leidenice nice trick.. [b]is there a way in making that menu vertical.. coz it's tooo long..... :arrow:[/b][/quote] [b]Try to change / use this way, I am NOT sure for this coz'I didn't try it, but a little knowledge will give you a hint not only for this topic but for all add-ons either css or JS... :thumbsup: :arrow:[/b] [b]Try [/b] to analyze this part from a given codes , I change it with [b]</br> [/b] instead of </a>.... [quote]// SLIDE NAVIGATION navigate="<div id=\"divMenu\" style=\"position:absolute; top:20; left:100; visibility:hidden;\"><nobr><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" title=\"Home\">[b]</br>[/b] <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" title=\"My Profile\">[b]</br>[/b] <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" title=\"My Apps\">[b]</br>[/b] <a href=\""+pageOwnerID+"\"><img src=\"\" title=\"My Friends\">[b]</br>[/b] <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" title=\"Search\">[b]</br>[/b] <a href=\""+pageOwnerID+"\"><img src=\"\" title=\"Send Messages\">[b]</br>[/b] <a href=\""+pageOwnerID+"\"><img src=\"\" title=\"Add comments\">[b]</br>[/b]<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" title=\"Logout\">[b]</br>[/b] <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"moveMenu()\"><img src=\"\" title=\"Click for Navigation\">[b]</br>[/b]</nobr></div>"; gate=document.getElementById('flo_wrapper');[/quote] Hope it will help and it will work as what you need. REMEMBER !. I did [b]NOT[/b] test this only an idea ...... :wallbash: TiLL NeXT...............:penguin:

Pages: 12

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