[quote=qc_babyface]Nice one Donnie!!!

Your friendster profile is awesome! Donnie, how did you place that vertical slide on your main photo? i couldn't find the .js/css code here in friendstertalk.com (tricks & tutorials) . please do share.
i use this code

provide by sweetpotato

[quote]chiemo="<br><embed src='[color=#0000ff]
http://widget-e7.slide.com/widgets/slideticker.swf[/color]' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' quality='high' scale='noscale' salign='l' wmode='transparent' flashvars='cy=fr&il=1&channel=[color=#FF0000]YOUR SLIDE ID CHANNEL[/color]&site=[color=#0000ff]widget-e7.slide.com[/color]' style='width:208px;height:280px' name='flashticker' align='middle'/></embed>"
[color=#0000ff]blue[/color] skin of your slide, you can find in your slide embed
[color=#ff0000]red[/color] your slide ID