Pages: 123

  2007-07-10 12:48:57

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

live preview>> [quote]edit "BLAH BLAH" on ur notepad edit 'UR IMAGE URL HERE",,,with ur own "gif" image url [code]document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].innerHTML="

[quote=redyuri]ill be asking the most st**id question LOL i understand the .js file, and i also understand where to host the file and i also understand that the codes will finally put in the review! now pls help me the above says: [i] document.getElementsByTagName('h2')[0].innerHTML="<marquee><img src=UR IMAGE URL HERE>.... BLAH BLAH. ....<img src=UR IMAGE URL HERE></marquee>"[/i] and this sentence is reapeted like 6x! i deleted the words blah blah like it said and i tried to put my URL on the UR IMAGE URL HERE.. but it didnt come in my profile, instead, it scrolled in my profile where you will see the shout out! did i done something wrong? will i repeatedly put the URL in all 6 sentences?? [b]OR CAN SOMEONE HELP ME MANUALLY? IM SO BEGINNER!! [/b] HELP[/quote] [b]hi every1,thnx ur comment :D for ur question,yes u repeat ur own image url where it says so n "blah blah,u cn put ur own words but now i dnt know how,coz no more reviews allowd just save ur completed file as .js file,upload at etc,,,insert ur .js url between this <">so the outcome code wil look like this <">then save ur completed file just once in ur media box ok :thumbsup: enjoy!!! for live preview here>>>[/b]

Pages: 123

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