2008-06-25 20:46:19

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

is it me or the new js linker ain't working...O_O Edit: But Robins Linker still works pretty fine..xD!!...i love u...xD!!!!!!:eh: another Edit: Robin..i suggest u make backups.. for the craders linker...so it will not,.. u know..exceed the bandwith...... :D just a sugestion....:smoke::wasted::retard:

Last edited by celmrt999 (2008-06-25 20:51:11)

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