2008-06-28 02:11:53

» FTalkElite
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Re: [b]to : all member[/b] melanjuti off topic part 4 [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=33185]off topic sebelumnya[/url] [quote]Dikarenakan ini halaman di off topic sudah kebanyakan maka se

[quote=pinoZ-FIXED-noZ]baek juga, yah langsung cabuts ajah neech[/quote] iya neh... uda ngantuk berad... hohohoh... btw,, ada iaang mo chating ma Tuhan engga?! klo mao buka site [url=http://www.titane.ca/concordia/dfar251/igod/main.html]INI[/url] iaah... conversation gw :lol: :lol: [spoiler] Me: get a life motherfucker God: Where can I get one? Me: in your fucking big ass God: Are you asking about my fucking big ass? Me: yup dumb ass!!! God: I don't want to talk about that now. I know you are but what am I. Me: go suck my cock! God: I am not interesed in your anatomy. Me: fuck u then God: Why are you so mean? Me: 'coz u don't give me straight A in my report card!!! God: That makes sense to me. Do you know any robots who give you straight A in your report card? No I do not do that. Me: yes u did! God: I did not. Me: b.s God: That input matched my default category. Me: b.s stand for bullshit!!!!! God: I've been waiting for you. Me: what for? God: Not really, but it makes a good pickup line. Me: huh? God: What? Me: i dunno God: Me either. Me: sigh God: Sorry... Me: what for? God: Reductionism. Me: wtf God: That was not very polite. Me: so? God: Whoa. Me: huh? God: What? Me: fuck uuuuuuuuuu God: Why are you using that kind of language? Me: who made it? God: I don't know who. :-). Me: u made it!!!! God: Thanks for pointing it out. Me: u God: " Thanks for pointing it out."? Me, ? Me: yes God: It's all good. Me: whatever... :-| God: Are you saying you don't care about it? Me: fuck yeah God: Please don't be so rude. Me: hiak-hiak-hiak-hiak-hiak God: What color are your eyes? Me: black.. [/spoiler] [b]EDITED[/b] bye all!!!

Last edited by CoWoCuPu (2008-06-28 02:14:45)

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