Pages: 12

  2008-07-01 06:21:09

i i LeA i i
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

First,you must be using Welcome Page Trick by andHa or any Welcome/Enter Page Trick. :arrow: then paste the code

here... [spoiler]<html> <head> <script><!-- document.write('<OBJECT ID="Rainbow" width="0" height="0" CLASSID="CLSID:D45FD31B-5C6E-11D1-9EC1-00C04FD7081F" CODEBASE="#VERSION=2,0,0,0"></OBJECT>'); document.write('<OBJECT ID="TruVoice" width="0" height="0"CLASSID="CLSID:B8F2846E-CE36-11D0-AC83-00C04FD97575" CODEBASE="#VERSION=6,0,0,0"></OBJECT>'); var Char; var UsedChars; var CharID; var CharACS; var CharLoaded; var LoadReq; var HideReq; UsedChars = "Char"; CharID = "Char"; CharACS = ""; CharLoaded = false; Window_OnLoad(); function Window_OnLoad() { Rainbow.Connected = true; CharLoaded = LoadLocalChar(CharID, CharACS); if (!CharLoaded) { CharLoaded = LoadLocalChar(CharID, ""); } if (CharLoaded) { SetCharObj(); } CheckLoadStatus(); } function LoadLocalChar(CharID, CharACS) { Rainbow.RaiseRequestErrors = false; if (CharACS == "") { LoadReq = Rainbow.Characters.Load(CharID); } else { LoadReq = Rainbow.Characters.Load(CharID, CharACS); } Rainbow.RaiseRequestErrors = true; if (LoadReq.Status != 1) { return(true); } return(false); } function SetCharObj() { Char = Rainbow.Characters.Character(CharID); Char.LanguageID = 0x409; } function CheckLoadStatus() { if (!CharLoaded) { LoadError(); return(false); } window.status = ""; AgentIntro(); return(true); } function LoadError() { var strMsg; window.status = ""; strMsg = "Error Loading Character: " + CharID + "\n"; strMsg = strMsg + "This Microsoft Agent Script requires the character(s):\n"; strMsg = strMsg + UsedChars; alert(strMsg); } function InitAgentCommands() { Char.Commands.RemoveAll(); } function AgentIntro() { InitAgentCommands(); Char.MoveTo(0, 0); Char.Show(); Char.MoveTo(900, 500); Char.Play("Announce"); Char.Speak(pageViewerFName+"...WELCOME...FEEL At HOME PO...Have a GOOD TIME !..Your USER ID is...."+pageViewerID); Char.Speak("Maligayang Pagdating PO , Kaibigan. The TIME and Date NOW is..."+Date()); Char.Play("Greet"); Char.Speak("I want some noise.. "); Char.Speak("blah blah"); Char.Play("GetAttention"); Char.Play("GetAttentionContinued"); Char.Play("GetAttentionReturn"); Char.Speak("how's life?"); Char.Play("GestureRight"); Char.Speak("want to ply?"); Char.MoveTo(10, 500); Char.Play("GestureLeft"); Char.Speak("need air?"); Char.MoveTo(10, 200); Char.Speak("want water?"); Char.MoveTo(600, 200); Char.Play("DoMagic1"); Char.Play("DoMagic2"); Char.Play("GestureUp"); Char.Speak("alms!spare me something!"); Char.Play("Pleased"); Char.MoveTo(0, 500); Char.Play("Read"); Char.Play("WriteContinued"); Char.Speak("Have fun viewing"+pageViewerFName); Char.Play("WriteReturn"); Char.MoveTo(500, 500); Char.Play("Think"); Char.Think("Have to run!"); Char.Think("Go to go!"); Char.Play("Uncertain"); Char.Speak("\\Chr=\"Whisper\"\\Very Simple Treasure, try to Watch ME Alwayz Here !."); Char.Play("Wave"); Char.Speak("SEE you Later and NOT Goodbye..."+pageViewerFName); Char.Play("Wave"); Char.Hide(); } function playSounds() { document.all.tune.src = " " } function playSounds1() { document.all.tune.src = " " } if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1) {alert("Use IE! I dont allow FF users here!!!"); window.location = ""; }//--> </script> .................................. [/spoiler]

Last edited by i i LeA i i (2008-07-01 07:09:56)

Pages: 12

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