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  2008-07-04 12:34:18

» FTalkGeek
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Re: [color=red] Untuk menghindari Thread Flooding disini, maka saya punya usul untuk membuat thread untuk share enterpage buatanmu disini.. EnterPagenya kategorinya umum beserta script-script yang bergun

[quote=robbinhood]jaaaaaah saya tanya kok malah balik tanya ,,, kalau ada script nya saya coba untuk kombinasiin makanya, sekarang ada script nya gak ?[/quote] walah... ora eneng bang.. wkwk.... dah deh... jd pr ajalah... ha... q tanya2 di konsul aja dulu ya bang... thnks for help... =):thumbsup::thumbsup: [i][b]edited[/b][/i] klo yg td q pake ini... [spoiler]/****************************************** * Cross browser cursor trailer script- By Brian Caputo ( * Visit Dynamic Drive ( for full source code * Modified Dec 31st, 02' by DD. This notice must stay intact for use ******************************************/ A=document.getElementById B=document.all; C=document.layers; T1=new Array("[b]URL GAMBAR 1[/b]",38,35,"[b]URL GAMBAR 2[/b]",30,31,"[b]URL GAMBAR 3[/b]",28,26,"[b]URL GAMBAR 4[/b]",22,21,"[b]URL GAMBAR 5[/b]",16,16,"[b]URL GAMBAR 6[/b]",10,10) var offsetx=15 //x offset of trail from mouse pointer var offsety=10 //y offset of trail from mouse pointer nos=parseInt(T1.length/3) rate=50 ie5fix1=0; ie5fix2=0; rightedge=B? document.body.clientWidth-T1[1] : window.innerWidth-T1[1]-20 bottomedge=B? document.body.scrollTop+document.body.clientHeight-T1[2] : window.pageYOffset+window.innerHeight-T1[2] for (i=0;i<nos;i++){ createContainer("CUR"+i,i*10,i*10,i*3+1,i*3+2,"","<img src='"+T1[i*3]+"' width="+T1[(i*3+1)]+" height="+T1[(i*3+2)]+" border=0>") } function createContainer(N,Xp,Yp,W,H,At,HT,Op,St){ with (document){ write((!A && !B) ? "<layer id='"+N+"' left="+Xp+" top="+Yp+" width="+W+" height="+H : "<div id='"+N+"'"+" style='position:absolute;left:"+Xp+"; top:"+Yp+"; width:"+W+"; height:"+H+"; "); if(St){ if (C) write(" style='"); write(St+";' ") } else write((A || B)?"'":""); write((At)? At+">" : ">"); write((HT) ? HT : ""); if (!Op) closeContainer(N) } } function closeContainer(){ document.write((A || B)?"</div>":"</layer>") } function getXpos(N){ if (A) return parseInt(document.getElementById(N).style.left) else if (B) return parseInt(B[N].style.left) else return C[N].left } function getYpos(N){ if (A) return parseInt(document.getElementById(N) else if (B) return parseInt(B[N] else return C[N].top } function moveContainer(N,DX,DY){ c=(A)? document.getElementById(N).style : (B)? B[N].style : (C)? C[N] : ""; if (!B){ rightedge=window.innerWidth-T1[1]-20 bottomedge=window.pageYOffset+window.innerHeight-T1[2] } c.left=Math.min(rightedge, DX+offsetx);, DY+offsety); } function cycle(){ //if (IE5) if (document.all&&window.print){ ie5fix1=document.body.scrollLeft; ie5fix2=document.body.scrollTop; } for (i=0;i<(nos-1);i++){ moveContainer("CUR"+i,getXpos("CUR"+(i+1)),getYpos("CUR"+(i+1))) } } function newPos(e){ moveContainer("CUR"+(nos-1),(B)?event.clientX+ie5fix1:e.pageX+2,(B)?event.clientY+ie5fix2:e.pageY+2) } function getedgesIE(){ rightedge=document.body.clientWidth-T1[1] bottomedge=document.body.scrollHeight-T1[2] } if (B){ window.onload=getedgesIE window.onresize=getedgesIE } if(document.layers) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE) document.onmousemove=newPos setInterval("cycle()",rate)[/spoiler] punya bro sekya... :arrow: tp dia pake URL GAMBAR

Last edited by oby_nagnar (2008-07-04 12:43:18)

Pages: 1123456789..9

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