2008-07-07 12:06:28

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

i have a question, can i use both the css and js linker together? i have a wvm box and currently my profile uses plain css which i copy pasted in the customize css part of "advanced customization" section. i understand that i have to put the new js linker to the "add media" section if i want to use the js linker for my wvm. now the thing is, i also want to use external css now for easier customization of my profile in the future. if i got it correctly, i'd have to use the css linker and put it in my add media box right? what should i be doing to get things done correctly? am i supposed to put BOTH the js linker and the css linker in the "add media" box? won't i be encountering any problem if i do it that way? [b]EDIT: never mind. i discovered what to do. this jss/css linker works perfectly! thank you so much! :thumbsup:[/b]

Last edited by mnel (2008-07-07 12:28:35)

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