well, this is actually my very first tutorial so I hope this would help.

I used Adobe Phoshopt CS3 in editing.
Mods if there's another post like this before, pls just close this in respect for the first one who made a tut like this.

[b]5..4..3..2..1.. GO![/b]

Click th spoiler:
[b]Before: [/b][spoiler][i]I used this 4 pictures:[/i]
[i]Mermaid by Anarasha of Deviantart[/i][/spoiler]
[b]STEP 1:[/b][spoiler]Open [b]Adobe Photoshop[/b].[/spoiler]
[b]STEP 2:[/b][spoiler]Click [b]File[/b]


then browse for the picture that you want. I choose this picture as my background image:
[b]STEP 3:[/b][spoiler]Press [b]Ctrl + J[/b] to duplicate it.
[b]STEP 4:[/b][spoiler]Press [b]Ctrl + T[/b] to transform the duplicate image (Layer 1).
Then click here to [b]Apply[/b].
[i](note: the position of your transformed image depends on what you like.)[/i][/spoiler]
[b]STEP 5:[/b][spoiler]Open your second picture to add effect. I choose bubbles..

[b]STEP 6:[/b][spoiler]Click the [b]Rectangular Marquee Tool[/b] [img]http://i38.tinypic.com/jfw5uc.jpg[/img] or just simply click [b]M on your keyboard[/b] to select the image. [img]http://i37.tinypic.com/10nrszs.jpg[/img]
then click [b]Ctrl + C[/b] to copy.
then [b]Paste[/b] it in the [b]First picture[/b].
This is how it will look like first:

Then just click [b]Ctrl + T[/b] to enlarge the bubble picture so that it will fit to the size of the first picture..

Now, change the [b]Opacity[/b] of the bubble picture into 30%.
[b]STEP 7:[/b] [spoiler]Open the 3rd picture. I used this as the surface of the water: [img]http://i37.tinypic.com/15fgcxi.jpg[/img].

Repeat [b] STEP 6 [i](Selecting, Copying & Pasting the image) [/i][/b]

Then press [b][u]Ctrl + T[/u]

[u]right click[/u]

[u]scale [/u] [i](to minimize the size)[/i]

[u]right click[/u]


[u]Opacity = 33%[/u] [/b] to make it looks like the surface of the water.
Here's how it looks like:
[b]STEP 8[/b][spoiler]Now I Open the mermaid picture. Click [b]W on your keyboard and use Quick Selection Tool[/b] then [b]Ctrl + C[/b] to copy..
and [b]Ctrl + V[/b] to paste it in the first picture.
Notice that the mermaid picture is so big so we have to resize it, press [b]Ctrl + T[/b] to resize it, flip horizontal and to rotate it as well.
Now, here it is:

press [b]Ctrl + J[/b] to dulicate the mermaid image and we're going to make some blending ek-ek..

[b]STEP 9[/b][spoiler][u][b]On the Layer 4([i]mermaid 1[/i]).[/b][/u]
On the [b]IMAGE TAB[/b] above, select [b]Adjustments [/b]

* Click Blending option here:
1. [img]http://i38.tinypic.com/t4xxy1.jpg[/img]
2. [img]http://i35.tinypic.com/2q9jbk7.jpg[/img]
3. [img]http://i35.tinypic.com/2ik5nko.jpg[/img]
and your image will look like this:
[b]STEP 10:[/b][spoiler]On the [b]Layer 4 Copy ([i]mermaid copy[/i])[/b]:
Go to the FILTER TAB

Brush Strokes

Dark Strokes (a new window will appear)
If the properties of the dark strokes look like this, click OK.
*Change the Opacity of Layer 4 Copy into 51% then click this [img]http://i36.tinypic.com/24edgk2.jpg[/img] (sorry I forgot the term) and choose multipy.
[spoiler]I resize it: 200 x 215 pixels
Comments are highly appreciated. I do my best to make it clear, but if it's not, please tell me..

I hope it helps. I'm not that good in photo editing, but I just want to share some of what I know, so please no offensive words ok?

+ repu are ver much appreciated

Please, do not post this tutorial in other site or forum without asking permission to me. Kindly respect me PLEASE..

Credits to the Following:
[b][i]Anarasha of Deviantart[/i][/b]

for the mermaid image.
[b]Adobe Photoshop CS3[/b] :arrow:for photo editing.

photo uploading.
Last edited by forsakendoll (2010-03-16 08:31:06)