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  2008-07-11 20:16:48

» FTalkGeek
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[b]I Just Wanna Share With You This Guys... Good Luck Reading It :thumbsup: Here It Is Now: [quote]In many cases, when there are multiple options for a toolbar button, such as the dodge/burn/sponge

[b]I Just Wanna Share With You This Guys... Good Luck Reading It :thumbsup: Here It Is Now: [quote]In many cases, when there are multiple options for a toolbar button, such as the dodge/burn/sponge tool button, the keyboard shortcut will activate the tool current tool, so 'O' will convert your pointer to whichever is the active tool. Rectangular Marquee Tool M Elliptical Marquee Tool M Move Tool V Lasso Tool L Polygonal Lasso Tool L Magnetic Lasso Tool L Magic Wand Tool W Crop Tool C Slice Tool K Slice Select Tool K Spot Healing Brush Tool J Healing Brush Tool J Patch Tool J Red Eye Tool J Brush Tool B Pencil Tool B Color Replacement Tool B Clone Stamp Tool S Pattern Stamp Tool S History Brush Tool Y Art History Brush Y Eraser Tool E Background Eraser Tool E Magic Eraser Tool E Gradient Tool G Paint Bucket Tool G Blur Tool R Sharpen Tool R Smudge Tool R Dodge Tool O Burn Tool O Sponge Tool O Path Selection Tool A Direct Selection Tool A Horizontal Type Tool T Vertical Type Tool T Horizontal Type Mask Tool T Vertical Type Mask Tool T Pen Tool P Freeform Pen Tool P Rectangle Tool U Rounded Rectangle Tool U Ellipse Tool U Polygon Tool U Line Tool U Custom Shape Tool U Notes Tool N Audio Annotation Tool N Eyedropper Tool I Color Sampler Tool I Measure Tool I Hand Tool H Zoom Tool Z Default Foreground / Background Colors D Switch Foreground / Background Colors X Toggle Standard / Quick Mask Modes Q Toggle Screen Modes F Toggle Preserve Transparency / Decrease Brush Size [ Increase Brush Size ] Decrease Brush Hardness { Increase Brush Hardness } Previous Brush , Next Brush . First Brush < Last Brush > File Menu:New Cmd+N Open Cmd+O Browse Opt+Cmd+O Shift+Cmd+O Edit in ImageReady Shift+Cmd+M Close Cmd+W Close All Opt+Cmd+W Close and Go To Bridge Shift+Cmd+W Save Cmd+S Save As Shift+Cmd+S Opt+Cmd+S Save for Web Opt+Shift+Cmd+S Revert F12 Selections: Select All Cmd+A Deselect Cmd+D Reselect Shift+Cmd+D Inverse Shift+Cmd+I or Shift+F7 All Layers Opt+Cmd+A Feather Opt+Cmd+D or Shift+F6 Adjustments: Levels Cmd+L Auto Levels Shift+Cmd+L Auto Contrast Opt+Shift+Cmd+L Auto Color Shift+Cmd+B Curves Cmd+M Color Balance Cmd+B Hue/Saturation Cmd+U Invert Cmd+I Desaturate Shift+Cmd+U Invert Cmd+I Edit menu: Edit Undo / Redo Cmd+Z F1 Step Forward Shift+Cmd+Z Step Backward Opt+Cmd+Z Fade Shift+Cmd+F Cut Cmd+X F2 Copy Cmd+C F3 Copy Merged Shift+Cmd+C Paste Cmd+V F4 Paste Into Shift+Cmd+V Clear Fill Shift+F5 History Pallette: Step Forward Shift+Cmd+Z Step Backward Opt+Cmd+Z Image Size:Zoom In Cmd++ Cmd+= Zoom Out Cmd+- Fit on Screen Cmd+0 Actual Pixels Opt+Cmd+0 Layers: Layer via Copy Cmd+J Layer via Cut Shift+Cmd+J Create / Release Clipping Mask Opt+Cmd+G Group Layers Cmd+G Ungroup Layers Shift+Cmd+G Arrange Layers: Bring to Front Shift+Cmd+] Bring Forward Cmd+] Send Backward Cmd+[ Send to Back Shift+Cmd+[ Merge Layers Cmd+E Merge Visible Shift+Cmd+E Image size: Image Size Opt+Cmd+I Canvas Size Opt+Cmd+C Printing and File info: File Info Opt+Shift+Cmd+I Page Setup Shift+Cmd+P Print with Preview Opt+Cmd+P Print Cmd+P Print One Copy Opt+Shift+Cmd+P Miscellaneous: Hide Photoshop Control+Cmd+H Hide Others Opt+Cmd+H Quit Photoshop Cmd+Q[/quote] And What I Said Many More... About SCREENSHOTS... [quote]This tutorial will teach you how to create a screenshot of any web page or capture any screen event. Step by step instructions are given for Photoshop, but you could also use this tutorial with Corel PhotoPaint or Paint Shop Pro or even [u]MS Paint[/u]. 1. Open the web page in the web browser. On Windows, press the Print Screen or Prnt Scrn key on your keyboard, found at the upper right of the keyboard. Betcha didn't ever notice this key before! This key will capture the entire screen. If your monitor resolution is set to 640x480, that's the size of the screen capture. If your monitor resolution is set to 600x800, that will be the size of the screen capture, etc. To capture only the active window, press Alt + Print Screen. On the Mac, press Command + Shift + 3. 2. Next, open up your paint program - you can use virtually any paint program, including Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Corel PhotoPaint, or even Microsoft's Paint, usually installed on Windows in the Start/Programs/Accessories/Paint. 3. In the paint program, select File/New, then Edit/Paste. Pretty simple, right? Your screen capture is now ready to be cropped or scaled. opposite direction. Troubleshooting Screen Captures The trouble with screen captures comes when you need to scale them for print or the web. Because your screen resolution is so small, any resizing usually obliterates the type within the screen capture. To minimize the changes to your screen capture, try these tips: * If you scale (resize) the screen capture, make sure that you resize proportionately. Problems occur when you rescale more in one direction than another, ending up with something like a wacky hall-of-mirrors effect. * If you need to print the screen capture, try changing the dots per inch size rather than resizing the image. For instance, if your screen capture is 640x480 at 72 dpi, and you need it to fit on a letter sized page, change the dpi to 100 or 150 instead of reducing the pixel size. * Resizing a screenshot to display on a web page? Since you'll need to reduce the actual pixel size it's just going to get fuzzy. You can minimize this problem by showing only part of a large screen capture. * How do they get such nice looking text on screen captures in magazine ads? Simple, they fake it. In your paint program, erase the text, but leave the rest of the web page layout. Open the screen capture in a drawing program like Adobe Illustrator, or Corel Draw, or Quark, or Pagemaker, etc. Then recreate the text in your drawing or page layout program.[/quote] About ACTION SCRIPT in Photoshop: [quote]Are you tired of doing the same task over and over, say scanning? You might be wondering whether there’s a program that will repeat the job for you. Well, there’s one, the Actions by Photoshop. Curious? Then, read on. An action is referred to as a recording of a series of commands that is used to capture repetitive tasks. These commands are to be applied to a series of files and will guide users in a step-by-step manner. It also allows you to play back recording. Here are some techniques. Create a new action by clicking on the Create New Action Button located at the bottom of the palette. Then, make a set by clicking the Create New Set button on the Actions palette. A dialog box will appear. In here, you must type a specific name for every set. In the Action dialog box, you should assign an action to a particular set, define a function key and apply a color. Next is to record the action. Photoshop automatically records your steps. Every step you take will be recorded as well as the settings. If you made any mistake, you will be able to correct them later. If you are through, click the Stop button at the bottom of the Action palette. Check the Action so that it will function well. Make sure that it lives in a Set. It must contain at least one command. Every command must have settings associated with it and a check mark next to it. An action can be edited. You can reorder commands, delete commands, reset a command setting, add a command in mid-stream, insert a stop, record again and troubleshoot it. To reorder command, in the Action palette, grab the command with the cursor and drag it up or down. In deleting commands, just select a command and press the Delete key. Double click on the Command in the Action if you want to reset it. To add a command in mid-stream or anywhere in the action, select the command and click the action button. Inserting a stop will allow you to apply settings to a step. To Record Again, simply select Record Again on the Actions Palette. Photoshop will allow you to reset the settings. Photoshop has a sort of diagnostic tool that will help you see what was causing the trouble in your Action. You can play the Action in three ways. You can play it from the palette, just set your file up and click on the Play button. You can also use function keys. The dialog box will allow you to assign a function key so that you will be able to play the Action by simply pressing the key. You can use the button mode that is selected from the Actions side menu. Techniques like this can save your time and effort.[/quote] About HOW TO RESIZE CLIP ART in Adobe: [quote]So you've found the perfect piece of clip art ... but it's the wrong size for your web page? Luckily, it's much easier to resize clip art than you might think! First, make sure that the clip art is in RGB 24 bit color before you make any changes to it. In Photoshop, select Mode/RGB. In PaintShop Pro, select Colors/Increase Color Depth/24 bit. You will want to change the colors to 24bit for almost any manipulations that you do to clipart. How big should a web graphic be? Well, the most common screen display resolution is 640x480 pixels. You'll want to allow room for the edges of the web browser, so you won't want your graphic to ever be much wider than 500 pixels across. If your graphic is wider than the monitor of the person viewing it, they will have to scroll to the right in order to see the entire graphic. So, remember to work in pixel measurements for web graphics. What's the DPI of a monitor? It varies. I use 96 dpi when I work on web graphics, but the graphics will display at the viewer's monitor resolution in a web browser. I don't know why this seems to be the most difficult thing to explain about web graphics, but pixel size of an image matters - DPI doesn't. You can save a graphic as 72 DPI or 300 DPI - it will display exactly the same if you're using the same monitor to view it. How to Resize Clipart To recolor the clip art in Photoshop, select Image/Image Size. Make sure the units of measurement are set to pixels, and leave the Constrain Proportions checkbox checked, so that your image isn't squished horizontally or vertically when you resize. Change either the vertical or horizontal pixel measurement, and Photoshop will adjust the other measurement accordingly. What about the dots per inch measurement? Well, web graphics display at the resolution of the web site visitor's monitor, so the same image will appear very, very different on different monitors. Monitor resolutions vary widely--from laptop screen size to the new 30" monitors. For the sake of resizing images, set the DPI to 96 pixels per inch. To resize clip art in PaintShop Pro, select Image/Resample. Make sure the Maintain Aspect Ratio radio button is selected. Select Custom Size, and change one of the measurements (vertical or horizontal). PaintShop Pro will recalculate the other measurement. To save the resized art as a gif file, in Photoshop 3 select Mode/Indexed, in Photoshop 4 select Image/Mode/Indexed, and then save the file as a .gif file. In PaintShop Pro, select Colors/Decrease Color Depth, and select a color depth for the image. Then save the file as a .gif image.[/quote] So Good Luck Reading Those Guys... I'm Sure It Can Help You =) NOTE: Don't Post Anythin' That Is Below 5 Words... Like: [i]Thanks For Sharing... CREDITS TO: Cyntot[/i][/b]

Last edited by ninafaye (2008-07-11 22:23:18)

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