works in all the major browsers - Mozilla Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9+, Safari and IE6+

IE friendly trick coz your animated images still animate but stuck in other browser

it wont affect your background image


from this

to this


Download [url=http://h1.ripway.com/theused/simple/filmed.js]filmed.js[/url]
step 2

inject [color=#FF0000]filmed.js[/color]

[quote]var tax = document.createElement("script");
tax.type = "text/javascript";
tax.src = "[b]filmed.js link here[/b]";
just edit the bold part then paste that on top of your js file

step 3

just choose between this two then add it below your js file

if you dont want to include your floating objects used this

<">just set any images you want to be [color=#FF0000]filmed[/color] to the

[b]class="filmed ishine30" [/b]
for all image including the floating object

<">step 4

add this to your css

<">thats it your done

[quote]Available [b]class name[/b]
class='filmed icolor000030'
class='filmed icolor300000'
class='filmed icolor301800'
class='filmed ishine25'
class='filmed ishine50'
class='filmed ishine75'
class='filmed ishine100'
class='filmed istrip50 noshadow'
class='filmed ishadow50'
class='filmed ishine01'
class='filmed istrip50 icolor402000'[/quote]

[b](c) by Christian Effenberger [/b]
Last edited by simpleMe (2008-10-10 08:32:35)