hello there! i just want to share my yahoo overlay.

YAHOO! overlay
just click the link to view the live preview.

just edit the USER ID and the TXTXTXTXTXTX

<">I put already the background music here. You can edit or replace the URL of the song if you don't like the music. Edit this part if you want to change the music <">NARUTO overlay
<">in this overlay, i did not add music. it's up to you if you put some music. just paste the code under the "My Friends" code. Also it's up to you how many picts you will put in My Friends.

Friendster Home Overlay
Hmm. I was bored so i made this lay. Hope you like it guys. xD
http://h1.ripway.com/harrisoverlay/Thr Final Code Preview.html[/url]
Again, i did not put a music on this overlay. It's up to you if you want to put a BGM.

[spoiler]the previews are not working anymore. sorry guys if i did not updated the previews, i'm a lil busy now. NOTE: if the fonts are not aligned, just correct it. It depends on your browser so if the fonts here are aligned in my browser, there's a tendency that in your browser it's not aligned. sorry guys, i'm just a newbie in making an overlay's. o.O[/spoiler]
Last edited by edimax.altec (2009-01-05 08:29:29)