[quote=john_619619]Name: john
age: 10

Address: santiago city isabela
ym id: john_619619
personal number: 09283070759[/quote]
ohhh really?? you're from stgo?? where in stgo?? cool...
ive been in stgo... i lived there for about 2 yrs.... in rizal?? do ya know that place bro???
and i usually hangout in rose... im goin 2 stgo maybe this month or next month.. im not yet sure...
[b]mr. president... [/b]i want to talk to ya....
-->>>[b] fafa piglet....[/b] where's my fansignnnnnnnn?????
-->>>[b] lolo khulet[/b] ..... where are ya???
classmates... i lurves ya all.....