[quote=lucyfer][align=center][b]Here's the screenshot[/b]


This is the loading trick to open your friendster profile...
So directly lets see ..
Write down this html code into your notepad.
here's the html code:

<">Now, just edit the Bold form to your identity (FS ID) or your own words for presentation..!!
Next, just save your work into *.html form, then upload the it to your webhosting (e.g. http//www.ripway.com).
The next one, you must write this script code into your external *.js
The code written here..
<">Then save it and refresh your profile.....
This is so easy..

[align=center][b]thank"s to sasuyasori[/b][/align][/quote]
suka suka banget, sumpah gw suka banget, tapi bisa dipake di IE gx .... jagan hanya FF doanx