2008-07-18 11:18:32

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

[quote=intellisense]im so :crybaby: sad.. it seems mostly are using my code but no one thakns me lols... i viewing some fs profy!.. and mostly use the code one that i post!!... isntit? cause the author code so hard to use hehehe...right?.. for newbies!... PM me for the linker of mine (dont own it.lol) ....<im sad coz some1 giv me a -repu..zzzz!> js file can also be apply the linker i post lately... (sori cant link u to the thread of mine its in the recyclebin...also its been closed..and another one i editd it).. u can soon receive reply from me ok!... im working now with the cboxantiposer code <the 1 that didnt need to reload page> u can type many msg no need to reload page!.. brb!![/quote] [b]Hi there bro...don't feel bad..Thanks for sharing the other code earlier =| Yeah once you posted the code..a lot of people were able to get it and use it immediately ^^ We can't post it now since there's still a working css linker...You can save that in case Friendster do their updates again.. Regarding the negative repus..You should be careful in posting things around the forum coz some members may be offended by it thus giving you a negative rep.. Just be nice next time ^^[/b]

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