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  2008-07-23 04:41:45

» FTalkElite
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Re: [color=red] Untuk menghindari Thread Flooding disini, maka saya punya usul untuk membuat thread untuk share enterpage buatanmu disini.. EnterPagenya kategorinya umum beserta script-script yang bergun

[align=center][scroll][color=green][b]Maaf Moderator, Kuntilanak Pengen Ngepost Nih[/b][/color][/scroll][/align] [b]Judul : Ular Alien ngejar Cursor Kamu[/b] Post aku : [url][/url] [b]:arrow: pertama:[/b] jikalau gak berguna dellete aja.... [b]:arrow: kedua:[/b] jika berguna mohon bantuannya untuk edit ini code biar bisa di inject di profil kita [b]:arrow: ketiga:[/b] code ini [b]versi HTML[/b] mungkin cocok di taruh di enter page [b]:arrow: keempat[/b] setelah aku post, akan aku share ke post milik bro [b]kiddy[/b] di sini : :thumbsdown: [url][/url] [b]:arrow: kelima[/b] apabila ada yang bantu... aku ucapkan terimakasih download dan upload di hosting kamu image dibawah ini..... nih para ualar aliennya : [quote][img][/img] = kasih nama [b]alienhead.gif[/b] [img][/img] = kasih nama [b]alientail.gif[/b][/quote] [quote][img][/img] = kasih nama [b]anthead[/b] [img][/img] - kasih nama [b]anttail[/b][/quote] [quote][img][/img] = kasih nama [b]wormhead[/b] [img][/img] =kasih nama [b]wormtail[/b][/quote] terserah pilih ular alien mana yang kamu suka..... kemudian copy code code ini : [spoiler]var ns4 = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1 && !document.getElementById); if(!window.JSFX) JSFX=new Object(); JSFX.layerNo=0; /**********************************************************************************/ JSFX.createLayer = function(htmlStr, parent) { //Declare all variables first var elem = null; var xName; var txt; if(document.layers) { xName="xLayer" + JSFX.layerNo++; if(parent == null) elem=new Layer(2000); else elem=new Layer(2000, parent.elem);; elem.document.write(htmlStr); elem.document.close(); elem.moveTo(0,0); elem.innerHTML = htmlStr; } else if(document.all) { if(parent == null) parent=document.body; else parent=parent.elem; xName = "xLayer" + JSFX.layerNo++; txt = '<DIV ID="' + xName + '"' + ' STYLE="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;visibility:hidden">' + htmlStr + '</DIV>'; parent.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd",txt); elem = document.all[xName]; } else if (document.getElementById) { if(parent == null) parent=document.body; else parent=parent.elem; xName="xLayer" + JSFX.layerNo++; txt = "" + "position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;visibility:hidden"; var newRange = document.createRange(); elem = document.createElement("DIV"); elem.setAttribute("style",txt); elem.setAttribute("id", xName); parent.appendChild(elem); newRange.setStartBefore(elem); strFrag = newRange.createContextualFragment(htmlStr); elem.appendChild(strFrag); } return elem; } /**********************************************************************************/ JSFX.Layer = function(newLayer, parent) { if(!newLayer) return; if(typeof newLayer == "string") this.elem = JSFX.createLayer(newLayer, parent); else this.elem=newLayer; if(document.layers) { this.images = this.elem.document.images; this.parent = parent; = this.elem; if(parent != null) = "inherit"; } else { this.images = document.images; this.parent = parent; =; } window[]=this; //save a reference to this } /**********************************************************************************/ JSFX.findLayer = function(theDiv, d) { if(document.layers) { var i; if(d==null) d = document; var theLayer = d.layers[theDiv]; if(theLayer != null) return(theLayer); else for(i=0 ; i<d.layers.length ; i++) { theLayer = JSFX.findLayer(theDiv, d.layers[i].document); if(theLayer != null) return(theLayer); } return("Undefined...."); } else if(document.all) return(document.all[theDiv]); else if(document.getElementById) return(document.getElementById(theDiv)); else return("Undefined....."); } /**********************************************************************************/ /*** moveTo (x,y) ***/ JSFX.Layer.prototype.moveTo = function(x,y) { = x+"px"; = y+"px"; } if(ns4) JSFX.Layer.prototype.moveTo = function(x,y) { this.elem.moveTo(x,y); } /**********************************************************************************/ /*** show()/hide() Visibility ***/ = function() { = "visible"; } JSFX.Layer.prototype.hide = function() { = "hidden"; } JSFX.Layer.prototype.isVisible = function() { return == "visible"; } if(ns4) { = function() { = "show"; } JSFX.Layer.prototype.hide = function() { = "hide"; } JSFX.Layer.prototype.isVisible = function() { return == "show"; } } /**********************************************************************************/ /*** zIndex ***/ JSFX.Layer.prototype.setzIndex = function(z) { = z; } JSFX.Layer.prototype.getzIndex = function() { return; } /**********************************************************************************/ /*** ForeGround (text) Color ***/ JSFX.Layer.prototype.setColor = function(c){;} if(ns4) JSFX.Layer.prototype.setColor = function(c) { this.elem.document.write("<FONT COLOR='"+c+"'>"+this.elem.innerHTML+"</FONT>"); this.elem.document.close(); } /**********************************************************************************/ /*** BackGround Color ***/ JSFX.Layer.prototype.setBgColor = function(color) { = color==null?'transparent':color; } if(ns4) JSFX.Layer.prototype.setBgColor = function(color) { this.elem.bgColor = color; } /**********************************************************************************/ /*** BackGround Image ***/ JSFX.Layer.prototype.setBgImage = function(image) { = "url("+image+")"; } if(ns4) JSFX.Layer.prototype.setBgImage = function(image) { = image; } /**********************************************************************************/ /*** set Content***/ JSFX.Layer.prototype.setContent = function(xHtml) { this.elem.innerHTML=xHtml; } if(ns4) JSFX.Layer.prototype.setContent = function(xHtml) { this.elem.document.write(xHtml); this.elem.document.close(); this.elem.innerHTML = xHtml; } /**********************************************************************************/ /*** Clipping ***/ JSFX.Layer.prototype.clip = function(x1,y1, x2,y2){"rect("+y1+" "+x2+" "+y2+" "+x1+")"; } if(ns4) JSFX.Layer.prototype.clip = function(x1,y1, x2,y2) { =y1; =x1; =y2; =x2; } /**********************************************************************************/ /*** Resize ***/ JSFX.Layer.prototype.resizeTo = function(w,h) { =w + "px"; =h + "px"; } if(ns4) JSFX.Layer.prototype.resizeTo = function(w,h) { =w; =h; } /**********************************************************************************/ /*** getX/Y ***/ JSFX.Layer.prototype.getX = function() { return parseInt(; } JSFX.Layer.prototype.getY = function() { return parseInt(; } if(ns4) { JSFX.Layer.prototype.getX = function() { return; } JSFX.Layer.prototype.getY = function() { return; } } /**********************************************************************************/ /*** getWidth/Height ***/ JSFX.Layer.prototype.getWidth = function() { return this.elem.offsetWidth; } JSFX.Layer.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this.elem.offsetHeight; } if(!document.getElementById) JSFX.Layer.prototype.getWidth = function() { //Extra processing here for clip return this.elem.scrollWidth; } if(ns4) { JSFX.Layer.prototype.getWidth = function() { return; } JSFX.Layer.prototype.getHeight = function() { return; } } /**********************************************************************************/ /*** Opacity ***/ if(ns4) { JSFX.Layer.prototype.setOpacity = function(pc) {return 0;} } else if(document.all) { JSFX.Layer.prototype.setOpacity = function(pc) { if("")"alpha(opacity=100);"; this.elem.filters.alpha.opacity=pc; } } else { /*** Assume NS6 ***/ JSFX.Layer.prototype.setOpacity = function(pc){'%' } } /**************************************************************************/ /*** Event Handling - Start ***/ /*** NS4 ***/ if(ns4) { JSFX.eventmasks = { onabort:Event.ABORT, onblur:Event.BLUR, onchange:Event.CHANGE, onclick:Event.CLICK, ondblclick:Event.DBLCLICK, ondragdrop:Event.DRAGDROP, onerror:Event.ERROR, onfocus:Event.FOCUS, onkeydown:Event.KEYDOWN, onkeypress:Event.KEYPRESS, onkeyup:Event.KEYUP, onload:Event.LOAD, onmousedown:Event.MOUSEDOWN, onmousemove:Event.MOUSEMOVE, onmouseout:Event.MOUSEOUT, onmouseover:Event.MOUSEOVER, onmouseup:Event.MOUSEUP, onmove:Event.MOVE, onreset:Event.RESET, onresize:Event.RESIZE, onselect:Event.SELECT, onsubmit:Event.SUBMIT, onunload:Event.UNLOAD }; JSFX.Layer.prototype.addEventHandler = function(eventname, handler) { this.elem.captureEvents(JSFX.eventmasks[eventname]); var xl = this; this.elem[eventname] = function(event) { event.clientX = event.pageX; event.clientY = event.pageY; event.button = event.which; event.keyCode = event.which; event.altKey =((event.modifiers & Event.ALT_MASK) != 0); event.ctrlKey =((event.modifiers & Event.CONTROL_MASK) != 0); event.shiftKey =((event.modifiers & Event.SHIFT_MASK) != 0); return handler(xl, event); } } JSFX.Layer.prototype.removeEventHandler = function(eventName) { this.elem.releaseEvents(JSFX.eventmasks[eventName]); this.elem[eventName] = null; } } /**************************************************************************/ /** IE 4/5+***/ else if(document.all) { JSFX.Layer.prototype.addEventHandler = function(eventName, handler) { var xl = this; this.elem[eventName] = function() { var e = window.event; e.cancelBubble = true; if(document.getElementById) { e.layerX = e.offsetX; e.layerY = e.offsetY; } else { /*** Work around for IE 4 : clone window.event ***/ ev = new Object(); for(i in e) ev[i] = e[i]; ev.layerX = e.offsetX; ev.layerY = e.offsetY; e = ev; } return handler(xl, e); } } JSFX.Layer.prototype.removeEventHandler = function(eventName) { this.elem[eventName] = null; } } /**************************************************************************/ /*** Assume NS6 ***/ else { JSFX.Layer.prototype.addEventHandler = function(eventName, handler) { var xl = this; this.elem[eventName] = function(e) { e.cancelBubble = true; return handler(xl, e); } } JSFX.Layer.prototype.removeEventHandler = function(eventName) { this.elem[eventName] = null; } } /*** Event Handling - End ***/ /**************************************************************************/ JSFX.Layer.prototype.setTimeout = function(f, t) { setTimeout("window.""."+f, t); }[/spoiler] upload di hosting kasih nama [b]JSFX_Layer.js[/b] [spoiler]if(!window.JSFX) JSFX=new Object(); if(!JSFX.Browser) JSFX.Browser = new Object(); if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1) { JSFX.Browser.getCanvasWidth = function() {return innerWidth;} JSFX.Browser.getCanvasHeight = function() {return innerHeight;} JSFX.Browser.getWindowWidth = function() {return outerWidth;} JSFX.Browser.getWindowHeight = function() {return outerHeight;} JSFX.Browser.getScreenWidth = function() {return screen.width;} JSFX.Browser.getScreenHeight = function() {return screen.height;} JSFX.Browser.getMinX = function() {return(pageXOffset);} JSFX.Browser.getMinY = function() {return(pageYOffset);} JSFX.Browser.getMaxX = function() {return(pageXOffset+innerWidth);} JSFX.Browser.getMaxY = function() {return(pageYOffset+innerHeight);} } else if(document.all) { JSFX.Browser.getCanvasWidth = function() {return document.body.clientWidth;} JSFX.Browser.getCanvasHeight = function() {return document.body.clientHeight;} JSFX.Browser.getWindowWidth = function() {return document.body.clientWidth;} JSFX.Browser.getWindowHeight = function() {return document.body.clientHeight;} JSFX.Browser.getScreenWidth = function() {return screen.width;} JSFX.Browser.getScreenHeight = function() {return screen.height;} JSFX.Browser.getMinX = function() {return(document.body.scrollLeft);} JSFX.Browser.getMinY = function() {return(document.body.scrollTop);} JSFX.Browser.getMaxX = function() { return(document.body.scrollLeft +document.body.clientWidth); } JSFX.Browser.getMaxY = function() { return(document.body.scrollTop +document.body.clientHeight); } } /*** End ***/ [/spoiler] upload di hosting kamu kasi nama [b]JSFX_Browser.js[/b] [spoiler]if(!window.JSFX) JSFX=new Object(); if(!JSFX.Browser) JSFX.Browser = new Object(); JSFX.Browser.mouseX = 0; JSFX.Browser.mouseY = 0; if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1) { JSFX.Browser.captureMouseXY = function (evnt) { JSFX.Browser.mouseX=evnt.pageX; JSFX.Browser.mouseY=evnt.pageY; } window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); window.onmousemove = JSFX.Browser.captureMouseXY; } else if(document.all) { if(document.getElementById) JSFX.Browser.captureMouseXY = function () { JSFX.Browser.mouseX = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft; JSFX.Browser.mouseY = event.y + document.body.scrollTop; } else JSFX.Browser.captureMouseXY = function () { JSFX.Browser.mouseX = event.x; JSFX.Browser.mouseY = event.y; } document.onmousemove = JSFX.Browser.captureMouseXY; } /*** End ***/ [/spoiler] upload code ini di hosting kamu kasih nama [b]JSFX_Mouse.js[/b] [spoiler]if(!window.JSFX) JSFX = new Object(); /* * Class MouseSquidieMass extends Layer */ JSFX.MouseSquidieMass = function(htmlStr, x, y, z) { if(!htmlStr) return; //Call the super constructor this.superC = JSFX.Layer; this.superC(htmlStr); this.x=x; this.y=y;; this.setzIndex(z); this.setOpacity(6*z); this.addEventHandler("onmousedown", this.destroy); } JSFX.MouseSquidieMass.prototype = new JSFX.Layer; JSFX.MouseSquidieMass.prototype.destroy = function(el, ev) { el.hide(); } JSFX.MouseSquidie = function(args) { if(args==null) return; var n = args[0]; this.followers = new Array(); this.followers[0] = new JSFX.MouseSquidieMass (args[1], 200, -200, n ); for(i=1 ; i<n ; i++) { var img if(args.length == 2) img = args[1]; else img = args[(i%(args.length-2)) + 2]; this.followers[i] = new JSFX.MouseSquidieMass (img, 200, -200, n-i ); } this.targetX = 200; this.targetY = 200; this.x = -100; this.y = -100; this.dx = 0; this.dy = 0; } JSFX.MouseSquidie.prototype.animate = function() { var m; for(i=this.followers.length-1; i>0 ; i--) { m = this.followers[i]; m.x = this.followers[i-1].x+0; m.y = this.followers[i-1].y-2; m.moveTo(m.x, m.y); } m = this.followers[0]; var X = (this.targetX - m.x); var Y = (this.targetY - m.y); var len = Math.sqrt(X*X+Y*Y); var dx = 20 * (X/len); var dy = 20 * (Y/len); var ddx = (dx - this.dx)/10; var ddy = (dy - this.dy)/10; this.dx += ddx; this.dy += ddy; m.x += this.dx; m.y += this.dy; m.moveTo(m.x, m.y); this.targetX = JSFX.Browser.mouseX-(m.getWidth())/2; this.targetY = JSFX.Browser.mouseY-m.getHeight()-5; } JSFX.MakeMouseSquidie = function() { var squidie = new JSFX.MouseSquidie(JSFX.MakeMouseSquidie.arguments); JSFX.MakeMouseSquidie.squidies[JSFX.MakeMouseSquidie.squidies.length] = squidie; if(!JSFX.MakeMouseSquidie.theTimer) JSFX.MakeMouseSquidie.theTimer = setInterval("JSFX.MakeMouseSquidie.animate()", 40); return(squidie); } JSFX.MakeMouseSquidie.squidies = new Array(); JSFX.MakeMouseSquidie.animate = function() { var i; for(i=0 ; i<JSFX.MakeMouseSquidie.squidies.length ; i++) JSFX.MakeMouseSquidie.squidies[i].animate(); } /*** If no other script has added it yet, add the ns resize fix ***/ if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1 && !document.getElementById) { if(!JSFX.ns_resize) { JSFX.ow = outerWidth; JSFX.oh = outerHeight; JSFX.ns_resize = function() { if(outerWidth != JSFX.ow || outerHeight != JSFX.oh ) location.reload(); } } window.onresize=JSFX.ns_resize; } [/spoiler] lalu js terakhir kasih nama [b]JSFX_MouseSquidie.js[/b] setelah itu semua udah di upload... copy code ini :thumbsdown: : [quote]<!-- *** BEGIN CUT - Start Code *** --> <!-- * You may use this code for free on any web page provided that * these comment lines and the following credits remain in the code. * "Mouse Squidie Script" © * Images "Alien Caterpillar" by Roy Whittle © --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" SRC="[b]URL_JSFX_Layer.js[/b]"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" SRC="[b]URL_JSFX_Browser.js[/b]"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" SRC="[b]URL_JSFX_Mouse.js[/b]"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" SRC="[b]URL_JSFX_MouseSquidie.js[/b]"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" TYPE="text/javascript"> <!-- function JSFX_StartEffects() { JSFX.MakeMouseSquidie(15,"<img src='[b]URL_alienhead.gif[/b]'>" ,"<img src='[b]URL_alientail.gif[/b]'>"); } //--> </SCRIPT> <!-- *** END CUT - End Code *** -->[/quote] Copy dan pastekan di sini :thumbsdown: : [quote]<head> [b]paste di sini[/b] </head>[/quote] jangan lupa bagian body tagnya taruh ini yah... [quote]<BODY [b]onLoad="JSFX_StartEffects()"[/b]>[/quote] terimaksih atas perhatiannya aku tunggu bantuannya untuk di inject di profile FS [b][u]:arrow: PREVIEWNYA :thumbsup: :[/u][/b] [url][/url] Cukup Sekian .... selamat menikmati,...... edit by : [b]KUNTILANAK[/b] [quote]diharapkan jangan 3 kata aja....yaitu [b]thanks for sharing[/b] .... itu spam buat aku.... aku gak mau dan gak butuh kata kat kayak gitu... aku butuh bimbingannya[/quote]

Last edited by kuntilanak (2008-07-23 04:42:35)

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