2008-07-24 00:30:56

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: I think it's normal for us to miss someone, either be special or not. Haha, intriguing?? :eh:

[quote=gemandi]now playing : if ever your in my arms again. peace mumi.[/quote] lolwuut. .i lurb that song xota!! reminiscin' the past. . :rolleyes: :paranoid: :/ [quote=gemandi]I miss the same people that I've posted before. Special Mention - misz.faith [xota]. waaa. i'm reminiscin your voice .. Thank God I found you.. I was lost without you... me & tinay - second voice.[/quote] :redface: :redface: :redface: i miss u moer!! oh yeah Thank God I found You and Tinay :wow: [quote=maderpaker]kristina16... ack.. i missed her so much[/quote] go brodah!!me and mandi are here to supprot u! party hard! =D [quote=kristina16]i miss babycake mandi and bebe gay faith...[/quote] baby. .don't cry. . :D i miss you moer! lurb you!! The members that I'm missin' always. . :arrow: [b]Tinay and Mandi[/b] :wow: My bestfriends. .my geyshfriends! :kiss: I lurb them both,su beri muchness! :wow:

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