Pages: 12

  2008-07-25 23:20:21

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

:arrow: just sharing guys hope you like this one :thumbsup: step 1 :arrow: insert this Refresh/Reload button. below the [b]</script>[/b] tag on your tracker.php :thumbsdown: [code]<body> <center><fo

:arrow: just sharing guys hope you like this one :thumbsup: step 1 :arrow: insert this Refresh/Reload button. below the [b]</script>[/b] tag on your tracker.php :thumbsdown: <">so the last part of your tracker.php script will look like this :thumbsdown: [quote]</script> [b]<body> <center><form action="#"> <div> <input type="button" value="Refresh Tracker" onClick="window.location.reload()"></input> </div> </form></center>[/b] </body> </html>[/quote] step 2 :arrow: save this on js extension :thumbsdown: [quote]var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = "<div id=\"showimage\" style=\"position:absolute;width:300px;left:300px;top:300px\"><table border=\"0\" width=\"250\" bgcolor=\"[b]#000000[/b]\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">"+ "<tr>"+ "<td width=\"100%\"><table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\""+ "height=\"36px\">"+ "<tr>"+ "<td id=\"dragbar\" style=\"cursor:hand; cursor:pointer\" width=\"100%\" onMousedown=\"initializedrag(event)\"><ilayer width=\"100%\" onSelectStart=\"return false\"><layer width=\"100%\" onMouseover=\"dragswitch=1;if (ns4) drag_dropns(showimage)\" onMouseout=\"dragswitch=0\"><font face=\"Verdana\""+ "color=\"#F8F8FF\"><strong><small><center>VISITORS</center></small></strong></font></layer></ilayer></td>"+ "<td style=\"cursor:hand\"><a href=\"#\" onClick=\"hidebox();return false\"><img src=\"\" width=\"17px\" height=\"17px\" border=0></a></td>"+ "</tr>"+ "<tr>"+ "<td width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"[b]#808080[/b]\" style=\"padding:4px\" colspan=\"2\"><div align='center'><iframe style='FILTER: chroma(color=transparent)' allowtransparency='true' frameborder=0 width='300' height='550' scrolling='no' src=[b]Link of your tracker.php[/b]></iframe></div>"+ "</tr>"+ "</table>"+ "</td>"+ "</tr>"+ "</table>"+ "</div>"; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(div); var ns4=document.layers var ie4=document.all var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all var dragswitch=0 var nsx var nsy var nstemp function drag_dropns(name){ if (!ns4) return temp=eval(name) temp.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN | Event.MOUSEUP) temp.onmousedown=gons temp.onmousemove=dragns temp.onmouseup=stopns } function gons(e){ temp.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE) nsx=e.x nsy=e.y } function dragns(e){ if (dragswitch==1){ temp.moveBy(e.x-nsx,e.y-nsy) return false } } function stopns(){ temp.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE) } function drag_drop(e){ if (ie4&&dragapproved){ return false } else if (ns6&&dragapproved){"px""px" return false } } function initializedrag(e){ crossobj=ns6? document.getElementById("showimage") : document.all.showimage var firedobj=ns6? : event.srcElement var topelement=ns6? "html" : document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat"? "documentElement" : "body" while (firedobj.tagName!=topelement.toUpperCase() &&!="dragbar"){ firedobj=ns6? firedobj.parentNode : firedobj.parentElement } if ("dragbar"){ offsetx=ie4? event.clientX : e.clientX offsety=ie4? event.clientY : e.clientY tempx=parseInt( tempy=parseInt( dragapproved=true document.onmousemove=drag_drop } } document.onmouseup=new Function("dragapproved=false") function hidebox(){ crossobj=ns6? document.getElementById("showimage") : document.all.showimage if (ie4||ns6)"hidden" else if (ns4) document.showimage.visibility="hide" }[/quote] edit the bold parts with your own :thumbsup: step 3 :arrow: paste this on css extension, this will hide the original tracker.php :thumbsdown: <">btw, dont remove the original tracker.php in your tracker.js so it will still records visitors :thumbsup: thats it your done :thumbsup: preview :arrow: credits: :arrow: LH (for draggable google adds) :arrow: me

Last edited by simpleMe (2008-07-26 23:22:06)

Pages: 12

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