[quote=y4sir][color=#ff0000]offsetx Any integer 10 Horizontal offset, in pixels, of the tooltip relative to the mouse cursor.[/color]
[color=#0000ff]offsety Any integer 10 Vertical offset, in pixels, of the tooltip relative to the mouse cursor.[/color]
[color=green]requireclick on / off off Specifies whether the user must first click the element before a tooltip appears. Intended for use on links so that information appears while the link is followed.[/color]
[color=#990000]hideselects on / off off Specifies whether to hide all SELECT boxes on page when popup is activated.[/color][/quote]
[color=#ff0000]buat ngatur jarak geraknya tooltips ke kanan dan kirinya
di situ defaultnya 10 jadi offsetx=[10][/color]
[color=#0000ff]buat ngatur jarak geraknya tooltips ke atas dan bawahnya[/color]
[color=green]tooltipsnya baru nongol kalo di klik, kalo mau make begini codenya requireclick=[on][/color]
[color=#990000]kaga tau yg itu mah

dan selanjutnya pahamin ajah di webnya sana ...
bahasa inggris lo ga jeblok˛ amat kan ...