2008-07-28 09:49:12

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: :arrow: i see lots of threads like Hey, i want to share this something i made, is it cute? blah blah blah...*graphics with his/her name all over it* SO refrain from making new threads so the section

[quote=bluberry543]tnx sis blanche xD eu know i saw a pix of eurs already...eur pretty xD[/quote] Oh, I'm flattered. lol *kddn [quote=cutest08]OMG! Sis Blanchee.. i lyk ur workz xo neat.. ur using photoshop??[/quote] No, I'm not using any ps. Just MS Paint. |: [quote=♥shai03♥]@blanche sis ur work rocks!! i miss you sis!![/quote] thankyuu~ missyew too. T^T > T For all skaters out there; liek me. XD V1 for all [img]http://i33.tinypic.com/2dccnxh.gif[/img] V2 for me [img]http://i35.tinypic.com/xbd7c3.gif[/img] V2 for me v2 XD (whut) [img]http://i34.tinypic.com/28mcjza.gif[/img] Another skate sig [img]http://i35.tinypic.com/1zdlkrb.png[/img] All made wiht MS Paint (text, border, resizing) & Lunapic (animations and effects only) XD

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