[quote=venetiarose][quote=jayzelea]ven...got prob with my about me section

i cant save the code please help me dont know what to do

[b]1stly im hapy u like the layout

2nd,im cnfused also miss.jay

nt only me,bt few othr peopl also cntactd me requesting help with their friendster
including myself,i culd mk layouts til last nite n ol was working fine
thn ol of sudden,whn save the code in about me
thn it dissapears

im nt sure bt i think friendster busy updating again with maintainence
i hope it wont be for long,coz nw i cnt finish other`s requests also

but i wil update u as soon its working again

:rose: [/b]
[b]here miss jhay
iv found out tht friendster busy updating again

so cnt read codes in "about me" at this time
i found this trick on friendster help section
much thnx 2kua ephe for this code

now just copy n paste this code just once in ur "media box" ok,iv added with the .js file

thank you ven..really apprecaite your time and work for my baby's profile.mwuah!