Re: [align=center][b]Here's the screenshot[/b] :arrow:[/align]
[align=center][url=]preview[/url][/align] :wallbash:
[quote=irishandme]try this!
//intro Loading trick
var intLoadtr = document.createElement("script");
intLoadtr.type = "text/javascript";
intLoadtr.src = "URL OF YOUR JS";
now, copy the code above, and then paste it inside your .Js Linker[/quote] didnt first i follwed the steps being mention ii LEAIi..after saving it in .html..i save it again in .js with the codes she gave me...then after saving it in the ripway as .js..i place it in the codes u gave me..then i place t in the js linker to get the code..but still it didnt work..