[quote=KaLoNg]di mari pun bisa...
Master Luphy...koq ada tulisan kagak begini yaa??
[b]An error has occured:
Unable to login to FTP server
ftp.t35.com with username webmaster.
Are you sure your username and password are correct? Please contact your ISP helpdesk or system administrator for help.
Go back or Go to the login page
Technical information for developers:
function ftp_openconnection (/cp/cp/includes/browse.inc.php on line 52)
function browse (/cp/cp/index.php on line 193)
argument 0: main
argument 1:
argument 2:
argument 3:
argument 4:
In order to improve the service of this website, a concise error report has been saved. This error report will be analysed by the developers in a confidential way to track and eliminate bugs.[/b]