Pages: 12

  2008-08-14 09:05:56

» FTalkGeek
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Credits: :arrow: DynamicDrive :arrow: Me [quote]Maaf karena ada sedikit masalah dengan hosting, saya tidak bisa memberikan preview.[/quote] Description: [quote]Cara lain untuk memasukan Welcome Page!

Credits: :arrow: DynamicDrive :arrow: Me [quote]Maaf karena ada sedikit masalah dengan hosting, saya tidak bisa memberikan preview.[/quote] Description: [quote]Cara lain untuk memasukan Welcome Page! Error "null" page tidak akan terjadi lagi apabila memakai script ini. Dikenal dengan "Spash Page" juga.[/quote] Script: [quote]//Splash Page script- //Created: August 17th, 2007' var splashpage={ // Splash Page Script Activation (1=enabled, 0=completely disabled!) splashenabled: 1, //1) URL to file on your server to display as the splashpage splashpageurl: "[b][/b]", //2) Enable frequency control? (1=yes, 0=no) enablefrequency: 0, //3) display freqency: "sessiononly" or "x days" (string value). Only applicable if 3) above is enabled displayfrequency: "2 days", //4) HTML for the header bar portion of the Splash Page // Make sure to create a link that calls "javascript:splashpage.closeit()") // An IE bug means you should not right align any image within the bar, but instead use "position:absolute" and the "right" attribute defineheader: '[b]<div style="padding: 5px; color: white; font: bold 16px Verdana;"><a style="position:absolute; top: 2px; right: 5px" href="javascript:splashpage.closeit()" title="Skip to Content">Go To My Profile!</a>Welcome To My Page!</div>[/b]', //5) cookie setting: ["cookie_name", "cookie_path"] cookiename: ["splashpagecookie", "path=/"], //6) Auto hide Splash Page after x seconds (Integer value, 0=no)? autohidetimer: [b]15[/b], ////No need to edit beyond here////////////////////////////////// launch:false, browserdetectstr: (window.opera&&window.getSelection) || (!window.opera && window.XMLHttpRequest), //current browser detect string to limit the script to be run in (Opera9 and other "modern" browsers) output:function(){ document.write('<div id="slashpage" style="position: absolute; z-index: 100; color: white; background-color:white">') //Main splashpage container document.write(this.defineheader) //header portion of splashpage document.write('<iframe name="splashpage-iframe" src="about:blank" style="margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; height: 100%"></iframe>') //iframe document.write('<br />&nbsp;</div>') this.splashpageref=document.getElementById("slashpage") this.splashiframeref=window.frames["splashpage-iframe"] this.splashiframeref.location.replace(this.splashpageurl) //Load desired URL into splashpage iframe this.standardbody=(document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat")? document.documentElement : document.body if (!/safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) //if not Safari, disable document scrollbars"hidden""100%""100%" this.moveuptimer=setInterval("window.scrollTo(0,0)", 50) }, closeit:function(){ clearInterval(this.moveuptimer)"none" this.splashiframeref.location.replace("about:blank")"auto" }, init:function(){ if (this.enablefrequency==1){ //if frequency control turned on if (/sessiononly/i.test(this.displayfrequency)){ //if session only control if (this.getCookie(this.cookiename[0]+"_s")==null){ //if session cookie is empty this.setCookie(this.cookiename[0]+"_s", "loaded") this.launch=true } } else if (/day/i.test(this.displayfrequency)){ //if persistence control in days if (this.getCookie(this.cookiename[0])==null || parseInt(this.getCookie(this.cookiename[0]))!=parseInt(this.displayfrequency)){ //if persistent cookie is empty or admin has changed number of days to persist from that of the stored value (meaning, reset it) this.setCookie(this.cookiename[0], parseInt(this.displayfrequency), parseInt(this.displayfrequency)) this.launch=true } } } else //else if enablefrequency is off this.launch=true if (this.launch){ this.output() if (parseInt(this.autohidetimer)>0) setTimeout("splashpage.closeit()", parseInt(this.autohidetimer)*1000) } }, getCookie:function(Name){ var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value return null }, setCookie:function(name, value, days){ var expireDate = new Date() //set "expstring" to either an explicit date (past or future) if (typeof days!="undefined"){ //if set persistent cookie var expstring=expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate()+parseInt(days)) document.cookie = name+"="+value+"; expires="+expireDate.toGMTString()+"; "+splashpage.cookiename[1] //last portion sets cookie path } else //else if this is a session only cookie setting document.cookie = name+"="+value+"; "+splashpage.cookiename[1] //last portion sets cookie path } } if (splashpage.browserdetectstr && splashpage.splashenabled==1) splashpage.init()[/quote] [b]Advanced Explaination[/b] 1. SplashPageUrl= url file html kmu (value= url file) 2. Autohidetimer= waktu yg kmu mw berapa lama welcome page kmu akan muncul (value= angka) tinggal diinjeksikan ke external js kmu!

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