just dropped by 2 see if my request is done! but it isnt..... ill wait!! plz d0 mine!! my request is on page 18!
thx in advance!!!!!!!
4 shortcut......this is my request
http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f382/ … ound01.jpg
its only a small banner
http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f382/ … ner004.jpg or can u make me a banner with the same background but bigger saying, failure is a chance to do it better, on the top and at the bottom, Welcome to My pRoFiLE!
Welcome Page Alert saying, wElCoMe 2 mY pRoFile!
Centered Boxes
Transparent boxes
Color of boxes: The kind of green of my background
Floating Boxes
Removed Side Boxes such as friends, advertisements, google, fan of etc.
Exit Page Alert saying, Going Already?
Right Click Page Alert w/ Shaking Window w/ auto logout, saying hOw dArE yOu tRy tO cOpY?
No Copy and Paste
Normal Cursor
Normal Scroll Bar
Sorry if its too much, you can make it .js or .css, i dont mind... and please PM me the code and if its JS, tell me what to do, because I never tried using JS. Thanks in advance if you can do it!![/quote]
Last edited by hello9055 (2008-08-17 13:51:18)