Re: Hello..have a nice day to everyone.. =) =) =) =)
This layout just for girlz...I upgrade BleachIchigo layout to Flower layout =) :thumbsup:
I add some code like :arrow: scroll ball testi
[quote=jieduck]Wow! Nice layout you've got there Bro! You are really good in playing with CSS! Keep it up, Bro.![/quote]
[quote=shia chan]ah okie.
thnx for sharing xD[/quote]
[quote=Shella_Suigintou99]gyaaa <333 so sweet and beautiful layout ,bro
keep it up <33 +repu for the flower layout^^[/quote]
[quote=natzin25]wow so cool layyie!
ur so good in making layouts^^
[quote=dJeZzy]aww.. so cool bang.. [/quote]
Thankz for drop some commnets for me..very appreciated