[align=center][b]Tut:Golden Text Effect
[i]Hi guys I"m just newbie here i have a tutorial for you!:Golden text[/i]
Me & My computer
[quote]Adobe Phototshop
Common Sense
Lots and LOts And lots for patience[/quote]
Lets start!
Create a new file. Fill the background with medium gray. Type "Gold" with Times New Roman 100 point font.
Apply Gradient overlay as shown:-
Image after applying above layer style.
Press control+j to duplicate the layer. Hide the original layer by clicking on the eye icon in its name in layer pallate. Click on the duplicate layer to activate it. Control+click on its layer name in layer pallate to select it.
Go to select>modify>contract and contract the selection to 2 pixels.
Image after contracting the selection :-
Press shift+control+i to invert the selection. Press alt+control+shift and click on the text layer name in layer pallate to select it. Your selection will be like this :-
Create another layer. Fill the selection with color values shown in figure by gradient tool.
Apply these layer styles in it:-
Image after applying above layer styles :-
Now, unhide the original type layer. Move it to 4 pixel right side :-
Add these layer styles in it.
Image after applying above layer styles :-
Create another layer. Set the foreground color to white. Select this brush size.
Draw some stars over the gold text. Our nice looking gold text effect is completed.
Here"S my outcome:
Enjoy understanding my tutorial!
Hope you understant ha![/align]
Last edited by forsakendoll (2010-03-16 09:36:17)