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  2008-08-30 15:59:33

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credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url][/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD

credits: IDEA COMES FROM------> [url][/url] [b]WHY HIDE JS FILE?[/b] >> to protect your own codes from rippers. [b]WHY LOAD JS FILE FASTER?[/b] >> to save time of your profile viewer of waiting for your js file to load. [b]WHY SIGN-UP TO [url=]000WEBHOST?[/url][/b] >> when you reach a large traffic in your profile, [i]example your viewer today is 2000[/i] then, your bandwidth on ripway will be not enough, although their service is fast and good. [b]WHY BAN RIPPER?[/b]: >> 85%++ of javascripters around the world hate rippers. [b]WHY NOT ONLY HIDE JAVASCRIPT, BUT BAN RIPPER?[/b]: >>some javascript expert knows how to retrieve your js file even if it is encoded, hidden by a script like PHP. [color=red] they are typing something in the ADDRESS_BAR above your browser to hack your file. ([i]I have tried it once and it worked so I edited this tutorial for much more security[/i][/color]). { [color=blue] * I will not show you how to hack files here.[/color] } >>In the first time they take a rip to your file, they should be banned (by saving his/her IP Address into a database). [b]HOW SHOULD THEY BE BANNED?[/b] >> then run a code snnipet using PHP,! Follow the Instruction below if you are interested. [b]HIDE JS FILE + BAN RIPPERS IP ADDRESS + LOAD JS FILE FASTER[/b]: 1.) You need a Hosting site that have support to PHP. [i]I recommend this free and best hosting site [url=]000WEBHOST[/url][/i] [color=red][b]Warning[/b][/color]: don't signup just to save files only. If you decided to signup, you must make your website like mine [url][/url] SIGN-UP TO, FOLLOW THESE SUB-Procedures OR ELSE, prefer to use your [url=]ripway account[/url] 1.a) Sign up and choose your own domain name. 1.b) Open your account (Log In) by going to [url][/url] [img][/img] 1.c) GO to CPANEL AND Click FILE-MANAGER [img][/img] 1.d) Log In to your file-manager: [img][/img] 1.e) GO TO [color=red]public_html[/color] Directory this is where you should save all your file so it will be seen on internet. 2.) Create your database (SAVE RIPPERS IP ADDRESS) 2.a) log-in to your cpanel [url][/url] 2.b) create database: >>click to mySQL icon [img][/img] fill the info about your database >>name your database [color=green]ripper[/color] [img][/img] copy the plain text that will auto config your created database (open up a new notepad and paste them) [img][/img] it is something like: [b][color=red] $mysql_host = ""; $mysql_database = "xxx123_ripper"; $mysql_user = "xxx123_ripper"; $mysql_password = "abcd123"; [/color][/b] 3.) Then open a new note pad again. 4.) Paste this code in the notepad [spoiler]<?php $referer=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; //replace this colored text below with the text you have pasted in the first notepad you have opened //or fill up the configuration below if you have another sql server like ->>>> [url][/url] [color=orange] $mysql_host = "[b]SERVER[/b]"; $mysql_database = "[b]DATABASE_NAME[/b]"; $mysql_user = "[b]DATABASE_USER_NAME[/b]"; $mysql_password = "[b]DATABASE_PASSWORD[/b]"; [/color] $con=mysql_connect($mysql_host,$mysql_user,$mysql_password); mysql_select_db($mysql_database); if(!$con){die();} $create = <<<CREATE create table rippers( IP varchar(100), DateVisit varchar(200) ) CREATE; @mysql_query($create,$con); function IP() { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) //check ip from share internet { $ip=$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) //to check ip is pass from proxy { $ip=$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } return $ip; } $rip=false; $ip=IP(); $rippersIP=mysql_query("select * from rippers",$con); $r_ar=array(); while($res=@mysql_fetch_array($rippersIP)){ $r_ar[]=$res[IP]; } foreach($r_ar as $ips){ if($ip==$ips){ $rip=true; } } if($referer!==""){ //WE WILL CATCH THE RIPPER'S IP ADDRESS HERE AND INSERT HIS/HER DATA TO YOUR DATABASE $catch= "insert into rippers(IP,DateVisit)values('$ip','".date('r')."')"; if(!$rip){ @mysql_query($catch,$con); } header('location:'); ?> <script> u='GODLOVESYOU'; while(u=='GODLOVESYOU'){ alert('forbidden!'); } </script> <?php } else { header("Content-type:text/javascript;charset:UTF-8"); ob_start("gz_handler"); // THIS IS TO MAKE YOUR JAVASCRIPT TO LOAD FASTER 10x if($rip){die("var th=0;while(th!==10){alert('ripper!');}");} ?> [color=blue]REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_JAVASCRIPT_CONTENT[/color] <?php } ?>[/spoiler] [color=blue]* the [i]<?php ob_start("gz_handler");?>[/i] is the code so that your js file will load 10x faster than your old file (I think:lol:) [/color] [url=]READ ARTICLE ABOUT ob_start('gz_handler')[/url] 5.) Copy your old JS file content and replace [b]REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_JAVASCRIPT_CONTENT[/b] with your js file content on the notepad. >> Then save it as [color=green]jsfile.php[/color] 6.) Upload it to the hosting site. [b]IF YOU SIGNED-UP in, FOLLOW THESE Sub-Procedures OR ELSE JUST UPLOAD THE FILE TO Your RIPWAY Account.[/b]: 6.a Go to public_html DIRECTORY and click upload button then upload your file. [img][/img] 7.) GET direct url of the file. [b]IF YOU SIGNED-UP in, FOLLOW THESE Sub-Procedures[/b]: 7.a After you upload, go back to public_html directory and.... [img][/img] right click to the word( [color=red]open[/color]) in the right side. then click to "[b]Copy Shortcut[/b]" if you are using internet Explorer or "[b]Copy Link Location[/b]" if you are using Mozilla Firefox [b]IF YOUR HOST IS RIPWAY[/b],just simply..... [img][/img] copy the direct link of your file. 8.) Open a note pad and paste it. Link it to your friendster with an existing JS linker code. [b][color=#aaff00]EXAMPLE:[/color][/b] [li]my old javascript file:[/li] [spoiler]if ( ! attachOnLoadHandler(function () { onloadFunc();})) window.onload = function () { onloadFunc();}; function onloadFunc(){ //some block of codes }[/spoiler] [li]my generated database code [i]by 000webhost[/i]:[/li] [spoiler]$mysql_host = ""; $mysql_database = "xxx_ripper"; $mysql_user = "xxx_ripper"; $mysql_password = "abcd123";[/spoiler] [li]my code should be:[/li] [spoiler]<?php $referer=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; //replace this colored text below with the text you have pasted in the first notepad you have opened //or fill up the configuration below if you have another sql server like ->>>> [url][/url] [color=orange] $mysql_host = ""; $mysql_database = "xxx_ripper"; $mysql_user = "xxx_ripper"; $mysql_password = "abcd123"; [/color] $con=mysql_connect($mysql_host,$mysql_user,$mysql_password); if(!$con){die();} mysql_select_db($mysql_database); $create = <<<CREATE create table rippers( IP varchar(100), DateVisit varchar(200) ) CREATE; @mysql_query($create,$con); function IP() { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) //check ip from share internet { $ip=$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) //to check ip is pass from proxy { $ip=$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } return $ip; } $rip=false; $ip=IP(); $rippersIP=mysql_query("select * from rippers",$con); $r_ar=array(); while($res=@mysql_fetch_array($rippersIP)){ $r_ar[]=$res[IP]; } foreach($r_ar as $ips){ if($ip==$ips){ $rip=true; } } if($referer!==""){ //WE WILL CATCH THE RIPPER'S IP ADDRESS HERE AND INSERT HIS/HER DATA TO YOUR DATABASE $catch= "insert into rippers(IP,DateVisit)values('$ip','".date('r')."')"; if(!$rip){ @mysql_query($catch,$con); } ?> <script> u='GODLOVESYOU'; while(u=='GODLOVESYOU'){ alert('forbidden!'); } </script> <?php } else { header("Content-type:text/javascript;charset:UTF-8"); ob_start("gz_handler"); // THIS IS TO MAKE YOUR JAVASCRIPT TO LOAD FASTER 10x if($rip){die("var th=0;while(th!==10){alert('ripper!');}");} ?> [color=blue] if ( ! attachOnLoadHandler(function () { onloadFunc();})) window.onload = function () { onloadFunc();}; function onloadFunc(){ //some block of codes } [/color] <?php } ?>[/spoiler] PROOF OF CONCEPT: ([i]note: you will be banned if you go to this link [b]means you will not be able to load it again forever[/b][/i]) (Don't worry this is not my true js file) JUST EXAMPLE: [url][/url]

Last edited by zidaine_38 (2008-09-08 09:04:53)

Pages: 12

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