[quote=mS'aLline]hi guys..
im new here..
im kayla


welcum to ftalk! you are surely going to have fun here! umm, kayla right? you can call me justine.
welcome again to ftalk! enjoy!
[quote=Lordheinz]^ bernard palanca? whos is that?

some says im like patrick garcia..some says im like oyo boy..some says i look the main actor in PRISON BREAK ..what the....im unique...

oww. bernard palanca is a former celeb here in te phils.. btw, here's a pic of him..
so, FU's do you agree that sir LH looks like bernard palanca??
me? i dunno. i think mr. president looks better!! woooot!

well seems that im the topic today..thats fine with me..as long as you guys are happy in our group..dont leave me ok..cheers FU's[/quote]
nyahah, u are indeed the topic for today. hahah. we're not going to leave sir LH! woo. we love FU!