[align=center][i][spoiler]Mods, You can close this is somebody post this tutorial and close this if this nonsense![/spoiler]
Hi guys!.. My first tutorial,, About GIMP..
[quote]For People who viewed this tutorial Read this:
Please don"t claim is this gimp it"s better than phototshop tutorial..Because Gimp is very helpful who don"t have photoshop....nd Only for that..[/quote]
:idea: What u need:
[quote][u]U need your GIMP
Commen sense[/u][/quote]
[b]Let"s start making rounded corners using GIMP[/b]
[quote]here the tutorial!..
1st step). Open your GIMP and open your [url=http://i34.tinypic.com/2vwyd6r.jpg]image,[/url]
2nd step). 2. On the tool bar above your Image, select Script-Fu, then select Decor, then select Round Corners.It will be like this:
3rd step).Click from the menu bar>Edit>Copy..Like this..
4th step). Crat again a new file..Like this..
after it will be like this:
5th step).Click the edit>PASTE..like this..
after like this:
6th step). Click file then save as..
here my outcome:
PhotoScape [[foe editing screenshots]]
Last edited by forsakendoll (2010-03-17 03:32:10)