[quote=Rei Ryuzaki]@Noxs: oh,no prob. yeah,i liek it. but i'm not so gud in it. still beginner

lol u bro?[/quote]
hohohohhhoh me to i like drwing n sketch hohhohhooh to me i not gud in coloring huhuhuh but i still stdy it
to make more nicely hohohohoohoh
[quote=bembi]I also ask permission to our leader if we can have a little activity here monthly
like an Art/Artist for the month
we can suggest an Art/Artist that we think can symbolize our group
do u want that guys?
i need ur opinion on this one too[/quote]
i think why not we post our art anything of art in here...n the members can judge it..hoohh what u all think!
just suggestion...