all welcome here except all rippers.
this is my new layout!
its a ver.2 profile,i get the code at friendstertalk tricks and tutorials.sis switpotato codes,
and all dont rip my layout!
and so many informations?better read and to avoid asking sum stupid questions
dont rip
no request
dont double post or else i'll report you.
no spamming here.
+repu is

-repu is ok,give me a -repu when i done sumthin wrong!
a sweet comment warms my hands

dont claim my works as yours.
dont tell me that there are no live previews because i dont know
its ok to say its ugly,i dont care,or leave now!
[b]code/url of the layout[/b]
1.highlight the code of the layout like this-
http://h1.ripway.com/username/layoutexample.css<--(this is not the code)

2.if you are finish to highlight the code simply right click and press copy(clear?)
3.if yer finish [url]http://jsesbreno.googlepages.com/Darylldelfin.html[/url]<--clik that link to generate.
4.then highlight and copy again
5.clik yer edit profile
6.then paste it at yer about me/who i want to meet section.
7.wait to appear the layout.
8.log in or register and give me a repu and a sweet comment
9.add my friendster-http://profiles.friendster.com/loloupanet
why the codes doesnt work?read the instructions that i give,or friendster reupdated again.
or log-in and log-out again
where did you get the codes?friendstertalk,tricks and tutorials section,
can i distribute it to any other sites?no!but ask a permission first!
how to ask a permission to you?pm me.
[b]thankyou very much too[/b]
glitter-graphics.com-for the background
friendstertalk.com,switpotato-for the codes.
[u]thankyou very much for the visit and thnx 4 d use!visit my blog fer more layouts-[/u]
Last edited by pinkpunk (2008-09-11 13:28:15)